Yankees, Mets Fans Get In Massive Brawl: VIDEO

Fans threw some massive punches during the Yankees/Mets game Wednesday.

The Mets hammered the Yankees in the Subway Series, but the play on the field was hardly the most exciting moment of the day.

Fans decided to mix it up and get into a huge brawl following a Tuesday win for the Mets, according to the New York Post. Of all the brawls we've seen at sporting events in 2024, this one is definitely near the top of the list.

Check out the footage below, and hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

Yankees and Mets fans get in a giant brawl.

There's no doubt that this is one of the wildest fights we've seen in a long time. It's also not clear what even sparked it, but the Yankees fans definitely seemed to be the ones going on offense.

I will never understand why people spend their hard-earned money to buy tickets to a sporting event to then get their face rocked by a stranger.

It makes no sense to me, but different strokes for different folks, I guess.

People also had plenty of reactions online to the fight. Check out some of the comments on the viral Facebook post below:

  • I'm a huge Yankee fan but this is disgusting! I hope they find who they are and are banned for life. I was at the game last night...yes we lost but there is no reason for this.
  • It’s a sad circumstance when you see enthusiasm at an "after the game fight " that overshadows the real game experience.
  • At least we won a fight. Put that guy on the field he seems to have some passion.
  • We have more fight in the stands than on the baseball field.
  • The rivalry is ALWAYS gonna be there. However this is NOT the team you wanna be having fights with. It's The Red Sox for sure!
  • Wow! More hits than the Yankees in the four game series.
  • Wish the Yankees had fight like this.
  • Showing more fight than the team.
  • Stupidity at its best.

I hope they all had fun because something tells me stadium security might be banning them as soon as they're identified. What do you think of Yankees and Mets fans mixing it up? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.