Yanet Garcia Says She Creates Her Own Rules, Baby Gronk Quits Football & Filipowski Acted Like He Was Shot
It's official, the Two-Club Invitational is returning in 2024 with a twist
The big news on Tuesday was that the infamous Two-Club Invitational that I've been holding on Put-In-Bay for the last five years with Michigan Man Anthony Bellino, who is now the sports director at WJR in Detroit – that should get the attention of the Boomers reading today's column – is moving to the mainland.
I absolutely understand that getting to an island on the Great Lakes for a 9-hole golf invitational has been a big ask in the past. We've had an incredible five-year run with incredible memories, but I'm worn out by the grind that is getting all the supplies across Lake Erie on a ferry and the costs aren't exactly cheap to make it all happen.
So we're bringing the best 9-hole tournament I can possibly hold to SE Michigan to an actual 9-hole course that also happens to be a BYOB experience.
No, we will not skimp on the fun.
Yes, we will bring in food trucks or at least one truck. Yes, there will be prizes and chicanery. Yes, I'd like to turn the Closest To The Pin Challenge into a festival.
I know some of you, in the past, have mentioned flying in for the event. It won't get much easier than this year. Cherrywood Golf Club is approximately 45 minutes from Detroit Metro, which you world travelers know is a massive hub.
And if you're flying, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BRINGING YOUR GOLF BAG. Just hop on the flight, get to town, relax, enjoy life with some of the Screencaps legends you've come to know.
We'll provide everything but the beer. My days of doing that are finished.

Diesel is scheduled to be there. Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green & Mrs. Millennial claim they'll be there. Canoe Kirk lives like a mile down the road. He'll be there and I fully expect his wife, Landscape Holly, will be there to participate and answer your mowing and landscape questions.
The best news of all is that there's a date on the schedule. Now we brainstorm for the next 4-5 months on how to make this one incredible.
Questions about the Two-Club Invitational?
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Name another golf event that doesn't ask for hole sponsors because I understand that those who sponsor holes are worn out from everyone asking them to sponsor golf outings
Take notes, Alyssa. I don't ask others to sponsor my rounds of golf.
At the Two-Club Invitational, you will get a 1970s Persimmion wood and an iron…let's see you get this club speed and control the Persimmion on No. 1 in front of a huge crowd
If you swing like this at Cherrywood on August 3, good luck finding your ball in the woods.
College baseball in late February and it was 77 degrees
• Hunter in Arkansas writes:
Not related to any current topics we’re discussing on screencaps, but does it get any better on a Tuesday afternoon in February? 77°, cold beer, and a basketball game to follow? Go Hogs!

My report on Texas researchers studying voles having sex has readers talking
I sorta went off the rails on this one.
• Paul B. writes:
That was the funniest damn thing I have ever read. People at my work think I'm having a seizure or something trying to hold in my guffaws. Excellent work my friend! Just when I think Outkick can't get any better you go and raise the bar tenfold.
Did OutKick downgrade its server?
• Herb asks:
Great job, as always with Screencaps! Curious if y’all downgraded servers recently? The download speed has been terribly slow lately. Cheers!
Herb, I'm busy trying to create the best 9-hole golf invitational in the United States. I DO NOT have time to investigate the server situation. All I can think about is where to hold the Two-Club Invitational rager on Friday night, August 2 when contestants start rolling in from around the U.S.
TNML on billboards around the U.S.
I damn near pulled the trigger on a billboard ad buy last night, but I want to work on my design elements a little more. I know it will read "Edge. Mow. Blow." but I need to make sure the colors are correct and determine whether the logo will work.
Also, I think it's time to determine an Opening Day date so I can run it on the billboards.
I'll give you guys a heads up where you should be looking when I pull the trigger.
• Rob in NC writes:
All billboard companies will sell you space available digital billboards at reduced rates in some of their markets where they don't run strong occupancy. The rates are based by market and by impressions.
Billboards in a major city are more expensive than in a rural market, but you will catch way more eyeballs. The great thing about digital billboards is the company wouldn't have spent the capital to make it a digital unless it is a good location and has no visual obstructions.
There are typically no more than 6 total advertisers on a digital billboard, and each ad is static for 8 seconds. So your design will cycle around and be visible for 8 seconds at a minimum of once every minute. You can run multiple designs at no additional cost.
You should reach out to a large company like Lamar (they are local to you in Dayton and Toledo) or OutFront and tell them you only want to spend $400-$500 for a month and you want to be in a mid size market on a digital location everyday for 4 weeks, but they can move you around as needed (space available).
The other route is to go to Blipbillboards.com and buy digital from small independent companies. You can spend less and not go for a full 4 weeks here. All of them can provide you with a proof of performance report at the end.
Joe you can also go big and spend thousands for one day and be in Times Square. Or go bigger and drop over a hundred thousand for one day on the Sphere in Vegas. But think of the social media posts all over the world by thousands of people.
Screencaps readers have helped another young man choose West Point
• Scott in Orange County, CA writes:
Thanks to all the community for sharing their insights on West Point with us last summer. It really helped us with the process and decision. I am happy to report that my son received and accepted his appointment to West Point.
We will be dropping him off in July for this great adventure. We do not really have any military members in our family so this is the great unknown for him and his family. It is exciting and a little anxious.
However, every time we truly think and pray about it we feel at peace. We know God is mindful of his him, his decision, and it will all be for his good and growth. An awesome journey lies ahead for him.
I guess we have at least two from the Screencaps family heading to be West Point cadets! Cool! Congrats to Junior B as well!
I'm starting to lose track of the youth that Screencaps has helped send to the military academies, but it's adding up.
Parents, I'm telling you right now, there's not another column on the Internet where you have the resources just an email away like you have with Screencaps. This place is better than anything your son or daughter has heard from a high school counselor.
There are guys (and ladies!) lurking on this column who have seen, and currently do some very, very interesting work. Again, I'll die before I'd ever mention their names and where they work, but you're always welcome to ask general questions, especially within the military and police world. Use these people as resources.
I'll say it again, this column is an absolute beast.
What do you think of this idea?
I think we have our official TNML anthem
As a bonus, this guy is from Ohio and has ties to NW Ohio. Until Tuesday, I had no idea Josh Melton had this "Cutting Grass" song which we'd love to turn into the league anthem, but Josh has yet to read my Instagram message.
I'll keep working to make it happen.
That's another huge day of Screencaps. The column really is humming along right now. Keep the emails coming. Tell me about what's going on in life. Tell me about the latest project you're working on.
And while you're at it, never forget how lucky we are to live in a country where a bunch of people from America's Best Daily Column can get together in August to have fun, build friendships and enjoy life.
I'll see you there.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com