Yanet Garcia Christmas Card, Jerome Bettis Goes Back To College, Clay & The Family In Australia, Plus Hulk Hogan Gets Baptized
Wish Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green luck today
He and Mrs. Millennial B. are in Chicago catching a flight today that will ultimately land them and their (energetic) three kids in Geneva, Switzerland Friday morning after a stop in Dublin. We're talking two adults, three (energetic) young boys, suitcases, I'm sure a separate bag for Chris B.'s energy bars, filtered water, Liquid IVs, etc.
Chris B. might've even brought his new road bike on the trip to train in the Alps.
Needless to say, I'm completely locked into this trip that will have them skiing in France. I don't know what mountain range or the complete trip details, but I'm LOCKED in on this adventure of a lifetime for this family.
Are you attempting a crazy Christmas holiday trip? I want to hear about it.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Speaking of Doing Hard Things and the Millennials, Indy Daryl's been building what could end up being our very first Screencaps 'Do Hard Things' team event
• Indy Daryl writes:
Happy hump day! Heath and I have been communicating a little bit about a Ragnar relay team comprised of SC members and an idea struck me.
I propose a SC summit of sorts October 5th, 2024 in Lexington, KY. The SC Ragnar team would start running the morning of Friday October, 4th, through the night, and end our race in downtown Lexington Saturday afternoon.
Once complete, head to whatever location to hang with SC folks for the after/evening/night.
I am willing to captain the Ragnar team and would be willing to solicit interest from the larger SC group.
Would love to hear your thoughts! And think this would be a great way to get folks together!
I love this idea and I trust Indy Daryl to build a team that WILL NOT lose to Mayor Pete because one of the team members has to take a dump like Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green during that Michigan Ironman race. SMH.
Proceed, Indy Daryl.
Figure out how many athletes you'll need and build a championship program. Do we need six or 12 team members? I like the price for a six-man team, but if you guys don't think you can cover the 200 miles with six, then we'll have to go to a 12-man or (woman!)
All I care about is that Indy D. builds a quality championship program.
I just want to drive the support moped behind the runners like in the Tour de France.
Speaking of trips across the Atlantic
• Jaime Z. writes from Turkey:
It’s time to head back home to Vegas after almost 3 weeks here of visiting family. Most everyone was worried about us traveling over here with what’s going on in the world however the people are friendly and kind, the weather great and the food good.
Reassuring that the majority of humanity is overwhelmingly good no matter where you go. Have a Merry Christmas!

Jaime adds:
Turkish breakfast for four for $20

I know many of you (and I) were waiting on the Kirkland irons...but they're sold out, the new Kirkland driver is sold out and selling for double on eBay and I'm just going to sit here waiting for the craze to die down
"It’s fair to say Kirkland is the shortest players-distance/game-improvement model that went through our robotic testing."

You guys KILLED IT with the 'Blu-rays To Buy' Lists
• William O. writes:
To add to the lists of movies to buy on DVD.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke
Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse (Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma). Granted this takes a specialized sense of humor to enjoy..
The Godfather 1 and 2
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Searchers (One of the best movies ever made)
I don't have a picture of a dog enjoying a ride but I do have this picture of two goats on the back of a truck. The truck passed me doing about 75 MPH on US 49 just north of Hattiesburg, MS a couple of weeks ago.

• Jack V. writes:
Hey Joe, great list of movies submitted by the SC community. I have one obscure one to add. Rancho Deluxe. Came out in 1975 or so. Stars Jeff Bridges, Sam Waterson, Harry Dean Stanton, slim Pickens with Jimmy Buffet included.
Hard to find a copy out there but with it!!
• My new buddy 85-year-old Vern in Washington writes:
Seeing the recs to buy Smokey and the Bandit reminded me of one of the more memorable golf games I have had the pleasure of playing. Jerry Reed was visiting Hickam AFB and the 4 Star hosted him for a round of golf-I was invited to play-used to be a 7 handicap.
We had a bet and while settling up over a beer, I asked Mr Reed if he would give me a $100 bill. He said he had only lost $10. I told him I know but if he gives me $100, I'll give him change and I can tell everyone that I took $100 off of Jerry Reed!
He went animated like only he could do, but he did pay me what he owed and signed the bill for me. Good memories.

Actors Burt Reynolds as 'Bandit' and Jerry Reed as 'Cledus' with a Basset Hound dog in film 'Smokey and the Bandit', 1977. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)
• George M. writes:
The crew missed the most Do Hard Things movie of all, and my personal must-have favorite;
Shawshank Redemption
Great movie, but do we really think the streaming sites will stop carrying it? This feels like a movie the streaming sites will have available for the next 100 years. Off the top of my head I can't think of any parts the libs would have yanked from the movie, but that's giving the libs too much credit.
• Joe M. writes:
Don’t just stop at Blazing Saddles. You can buy a nine-movie set of Mel Brooks stuff, including Blazing Saddles on DVD on Amazon for $20 (the Blu Ray version is $120, but remember when these movies were made, they’re not Avatar.)
Don’t just look for individual movies; there are a ton of movie bundles with some sort of theme, such as the Steve Martin 8 movie bundle for $13.
The more offensive to “modern sensibilities” a movie is, the more you need to own it in physical form.
• Jim T. in Sandy Eggo writes:
Always the fear that classics like "Anchorman," "Blazing Saddles," "Talladega Nights," etc., will get cancelled - or worse, re-edited. Heck, when George Lucas released the original "Star Wars" on VHS and DVD, Greedo shoots first - he re-edited the scene. (Which is why if you look at my media center - only 1 TV! - but we still have the LaserDisc player on bottom left - Lucas apparently wasn't involved in the LD release, and so on that version, Han still shoots first!)
The challenge with having a large library is finding the movie you want when you want it. (And with little kids around, discs get scratched and then unplayable.) A few years ago, I bought a large hard drive (4TB) and began ripping all my DVDs: Disney first, for the kids; then everything else. I rip everything at original DVD quality - so about 1.5 - 2 GB per movie; 8-12 for Blu-Ray. I've upgraded to an 8 TB hard drive since, as our DVD collection outgrew the original, and I bought 3 of those drives so I can back it up so I don't have to re-rip everything if / when it dies.
We hooked up a Mac Mini to the TV via HDMI, and then run optical audio out from the TV to my Dad's vintage Sony receiver, so we can listen to the movies via the big boy Mitsubishi floor speakers - dual 12" woofers on each of those bad boys.
Here's a screenshot of our iTunes library comedy collection - we own EVERY film on DVD or Blu-Ray - discs in storage where they can't get scratched, and no Apple store DRM digital purchases that can be turned off down the road.

• JD in Wichita wants to add some titles to those you must own because the streamers will eventually kill them off:
Hey Joe, love the DVD lists. These are must-haves and many have disappeared completely from easy streaming access…
Repo Man
Death Race 2000
Blade Runner
How to Get Ahead In Advertising
The Usual Suspects
True Romance
Escape from New York
Buckaroo Banzai
To Live and Die in LA
The Road Warrior
And, of course, per Ricky Bobby…
The Highlander (the one that won ALL of the Academy Awards)
'I'm not happy with the number of D batteries the Battery Daddy holds'
• Kristopher K. in Manchester, NH writes:
Been a bit. Great list of DVD recommendations presented today. I own them all except Missouri Breaks and Johnny Dangerously (now I gotta check those out).
Another must-have is Monty Python's Holy Grail. Never, ever gets old.
You like Sci-Fi? Dark City. Layers of humanity to unpeel.
Hey, got the famed Battery Daddy at the office X-mas swap today.
Shocked to find out it only holds eight D batteries. EIGHT! All the battery powered things I use/own take D batteries. I only got room for eight spare D’s in this thing? Jeez!
It boasts that it holds 78 AA’s and 64 AAA’s. Feh!
Men – I must ask. How many hand-held controllers and wifey thingies do you own to have a need for this?
Maybe it’s time to get more frisky with the lady and turn off the PS5 & TV.
Just sayin’.
As always, love the site. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
You know what Honorary Screencaps Sheriff John in Houston doesn't think is cute? This raccoon eating grapes
Greg McElroy is one of us...'I've seen him eating the $1.50 hot dog or pizza at the Costco food court'
• Jess in Alabama writes:
I will say I see Greg McElroy at Costco from time to time. I love seeing someone who is calling a game on prime-time TV also eating a $1.50 hot dog for lunch on a random Tuesday.
Or the pizza. Can’t remember which because I was so surprised to see him.
Have you ever spotted a football analyst or a celebrity hammering a Costco hot dog or the pizza slice? We need to honor these people who keep it real. Never forget that Vin Scully was a HUGE Costco guy.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
An Arizona sunrise in December
• J writes:
Sunrise from Prescott, AZ

Dogs hanging out of cars or trucks
• Brian B. dug up this one from his photo archive:
This was years ago in Alabama. Dog was just living his best life.

That's it for this Thursday morning. I don't know why, but every day this week has felt like a Friday. It must be the holiday season.
Stay safe out there on your travels. I know thousands of Screencaps readers will be on the go for the next 5-10 days. I can also tell many of you don't have much to do on break. The email inbox is insane. Keep it up. Make me make decisions on which emails make the cut. Keep the pressure on.
And have a great Thursday.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com