The legendary Iron Sheik passed away in June at the age of 81. His official cause of death has been released. According to several reports, the ex-heavyweight champ suffered a cardiac arrest on the day of his passing. The wrestling world lamented the loss of The Iron Sheik, whose personality was as great as his global appeal. A WWE Hall of Famer, Sheik — or Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri — was best known as the infamous Middle Eastern adversary to fellow legend Hulk Hogan. The Iron Sheik represented a caricature of the Ayatollah's regime in Iran. His antagonistic figure in wrestling was often a stepping stone for the ultra-macho jingoism of 80s Americana. Think what Ivan Drago was for Rocky in Rocky IV — that was the Sheik's persona contrasted with Hogan's ultra-American iconography. Despite his character's hate for the West, Sheik proudly called America his home. He died in his sleep at his home in Fayetteville, Ga. Sheik was always box-office viewing.