'World's Sexiest Athlete' Alica Schmidt Caught Up In Drama In Paris As German Team Fails To Advance To Final

There's been drama, drama, and more drama coming out of Paris during this year's Olympics. Not even Alica Schmidt and her "World's Sexiest Athlete" title are immune from being caught up in it.

The 25-year-old had been invited to Tokyo in 2021, but never saw action on the track. This year was different, and she was expected to compete and did compete in the mixed and women's 4x400m relay with her German team.

Schmidt's selection as one of the four to compete in the relay events didn't sit well with a couple of her teammates and this is where the drama comes into play. After the team's 7th place finish in the mixed relay, Jean Paul Bredau criticized the decision to have her compete over his girlfriend Luna Bulmahn.

Bredau would later apologize for his comments, but his girlfriend had other ideas. She took to social media with her criticisms and was removed from the team prior to the women's relay, where the German team once again failed to reach the final with another 7th place finish in their heat.

How are you supposed to stay focused with that kind of drama going on behind the scenes? For her part, Schmidt did stay focused, and she took the high road by not launching a counterattack on her teammates.

Alica Schmidt stayed focused despite the drama surrounding her team

She said of Bulmahn being kicked off the team, reports The Sun, "The decision was not made by us, but by the board and the coaches. That was probably the best decision for the team. We trust the coaches."

She was then asked about whether she had spoken to Bulmahn and replied, "I don't want to say anything more about the topic now. It's about the sporting performance."

As you can see, the World's Sexiest Athlete is a class act. She's there in Paris for what is supposed to be an incredible time. Are the two right that she shouldn’t have been selected to compete? That's neither here nor there.

If they had any class at all, they would have supported Schmidt. The couple trains with Schmidt in Berlin, but it remains to be seen if that will continue.

"I haven't thought about that yet [her training set-up in Berlin]," Schmidt replied when asked. "That's also something my trainer will decide."

Bredau added about the training setup, "I can't say anything about that at the moment. We'll see if we continue to train in Berlin."

Again, class all around from Alica Schmidt. But what else would you expect? She came to the Olympics to compete and that's what she did.

Jealousy and envy got the best of her teammates, but it didn't affect her. A disgusting act by her two teammates here. Lesser competitors would have folded with that drama going on around them.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.