'World's Most Famous Living Barbie' Says She's Attacked By Haters Over Her Looks

Living life as a real life Barbie isn't easy. Especially if you hold the title of "The world's most famous living Barbie." Just ask Gabriela Jirackova, who in addition to that title, holds another as "The First Czech Barbie."

Jirackova, or Lolo Pink as she's known on social media, has been the focus of attacks from haters dating back to elementary school. Her transition to a Barbie started when she was just 17 when she had her first procedure and hasn't kept the haters away.

If anything the decision to become a living Barbie has attracted more haters. The singer and influencer explained to the Daily Star, "I have been accustomed to hate, attacks, and mockery from people for years."

"My appearance, my artistic interests and my popularity provoked bullying even when I was in elementary school, where I was brutally bullied because of it."

These days Lolo Pink's interactions with haters aren't in person. The encounters only occur online with those who assume that she's unintelligent because of her looks. She finds these interactions much more entertaining than the ones she had growing up.

She describes the attacks as cowardly by people who are deeply unhappy. Adding that, "They live under the mistaken belief that 'celebrities' and publicly known individuals – especially living Barbies – have no personal problems and everything in their lives is rosy."

"They try to vent their frustration through social media, targeting publicly known individuals, regardless of how someone looks."

Lola Pink Knows That Life As A Real Life Barbie Isn't All Fun And Games

It's hard out there for the living Barbies, but Lolo Pink isn't going to let it affect her. She's learned to ignore the trolls who send hate her way. Her new strategy is to just block them and move on.

"If I receive an offensive or vulgar message, I usually don't even read it, I block the person and within a minute, I forget about it," she said.

"However, I am shocked and even frightened by the amount of unnecessary hatred that exists in ordinary people!"

The internet never ceases to amaze. If you would have told me when I was throwing in my AOL disc, and listening to the modem connect, that one day there would be people who are on the internet as living Barbies I would have looked at you like you had two heads.

Yet, here we are. A living Barbie with a couple of made up titles talking about the haters she receives for her looks. What a time to be alive.