Wood Bunni Is Back & She's Influencing Woodworkers, Detroit Tigers Fan Is Mad, Plus This Might Be The Smallest Bunker Ever

People are freaking out over the AI story on '60 Minutes' but I'm just sitting here fully relaxed

Yes, I watched "60 Minutes" Sunday with my 10-year-old kid who is now of the age where he's starting to understand artificial intelligence and what it means for society. There we were watching the report on AI and how it will impact the world when Google CEO Sundar Pichai was asked about which job segments will be hammered by AI.

Those on the chopping block, according to Pichai, include writers, accountants, architects and software engineers.

My son's head whipped around with his jaw dropped. He understands I'm a writer/blogger/sit-at-the-computer-guy and this suit just said that the robots are coming for my job. Meanwhile, I was completely relaxed sitting there taking it all in.

I will say this: "Come & Take It."

If an AI-trained bot can come in and kick my ass on a daily basis creating Screencaps and have human-to-human contact with OutKick readers in a meaningful fashion, then that AI bot can have this job and I will gladly fade off into the sunset.

That AI bot better be able to stuff envelopes with TNML stickers. That bot better be ready to throw two-club invitationals on Put-In-Bay. That AI bot better be ready to sacrifice one of its lungs by going into East Palestine, OH to get a first-hand look at the chemicals floating in the creeks and drink beers with the locals to hear their stories that are then turned into Screencaps content.

The AI bots better be ready to jump on a flight to Savannah for a Savannah Bananas weekend bender and crush beers with the boys -- including Screencaps HOFer Louie in Savannah -- while getting a first-person look at the most incredible version of baseball on the planet.

Can an AI bot do that?

I'll say it again: "Come and Take It."

Now, if you're a writer who pumps out "22 Best Airfryers You Should Buy For Christmas" posts to game the Google algorithm, I'd be terrified.

I won't be terrified of jack shit from the AI world until some AI bot is capable of throwing a garage beers rager and hang with the boys for 14 hours on Saturdays and Sundays in the fall during football benders while the wives are out Christmas shopping.

Prove me wrong, bots.

How are you handling TNML and 10U house ball coaching conflicts?

• Ryan K. writes:

Maybe you covered it already, but how are you handling conflicts with coaching and league night? I’ve got coaching duties through May and three conflicts including opening night. 

And what’s with kids doing both travel and rec (house) league? I want to hear the rationale of those who signed their kids up for both knowing darn well they won’t be able to make weekend games. Way to put your kids’ rec league team down a man in a league with ten kids per team. Pick a lane. And keep that “my kid is eight and going to get a scholarship” vibe out of rec league. We are here to teach the game, build character, and have fun. 

League commissioner reponse:

Ryan, there is a simple way to solve the Thursday time crunch: I will mow during my work hours. Mowing during the season is work. Mowing sells t-shirts for OutKick. Mowing creates content, which creates eyeballs for OutKick which turns into pageviews, which turns into advertisements being served, which turns into dollars.

Mowing is money around here. Green turns into green.

But, then after practice or games, I have to stay up late hammering out TNML so it's ready to go for Friday mornings.

Is it possible to train an AI bot to translate what Beau in Toledo is saying in his mowing reports? No way. Is it possible to train an AI bot on how to order the TNML reports? Absolutely not. That's why a human is so important here. These bots don't know what's going on in my brain after league night. They might try by infiltrating my Twitter DMs to build a profile on what I'm thinking at all times, but when I sit down on Thursday nights, it's impossible to know what those post-mowing beers will do to my brain.

As for the kids dabbling with travel ball and house ball, I say screw it, I'm not worried about them like I'm not worried about the bots. I'm going to dance with the diamond dawgs who are there on a regular basis and fill in with the rest.

Now, if that travel ball dabbler is causing teams to be short-handed, that's on the parent for being a jerkoff. Perhaps the jerkoff could give you a heads-up on when the son won't be playing so you can call up some flamethrower from a younger division.

Fair is fair. Gotta field a team. Make a call-up.

Popcorn on flights

• Andy G. writes on the Anthony Bass wife popcorn incident on a United flight:

Thought I'd add a little to the popcorn debate....

Last month on my Southwest flight back to KC from Vegas, the guy across the aisle from me was handed a trash bag near the end of the flight and told he was not getting off the plane until the popcorn spilled under his seat was picked up. 

There was no threat of an Air Marshall or of being detained but the Flight Attendant's demeanor was such that he knew there was no messing around.  (So I could see the same happening to Anthony Bass' wife). Interesting wrinkle, he said the popcorn was spilled when the gentleman sitting in front of him reclined all the way with no warning.  She offered no reply, handed him the trash bag and walked away.

Regarding Anthony Bass's wife - I put this on United - A) they provided little kids popcorn, it's like giving them water balloons and being surprised the plane is wet B) its a prenant woman traveling with little kids - cut her a break. 


Well, well, well...look what we have here -- a new wrinkle to flying.

We were just talking about this at the golf course Sunday morning

I'm not sure how the subject came up, but my buddy Diesel brought up how his three grown children (two are married) say they don't have plans to get into the baby-making business -- for now, at least.

The reason: Economics.

Plus, their friends aren't having kids yet, so there's not pressure to join the crowd. "I think 30 is the new starting point for college grads now," Diesel writes via our group text.

It turns out they're not outliers. They're in the majority for their generation. Elon Musk says population decline is a "massive threat to civilization." In 2100, China, Japan, and India are all expected to see a population decline while the United States is supposed to barely see a population rise.

What are your grown adult kids telling you about this subject?

Have you ever hit a significant jackpot in Vegas?

How did you react after the jackpot? Did you go nuts buying dinners and drinks? Did you go shopping in Vegas buying watches and diamonds? Did you blow half of it in the high-limit room? Did you blow it on hookers?

Give us some classic Vegas stories.

The Ts are on the move again

• Mike T. sent this fresh snow dump shot from the Washington Cascades:

TNML recruiting via TNML t-shirts

• Kevin in Gibsonia, PA writes:

So this weekend was our first camping trip of the year.  We went to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.  I highly recommend a visit...absolutely beautiful  area rich with a fascinating history from Thomas Jefferson to Lewis and Clark to John Brown and the civil war. 

Anyway, my wife and I are walking around town Saturday and I am proudly repping TNML with my t-shirt. 

This young guy and his wife (I assume) stop me on the street.  He says he loves lawnmowers and has to know what this league is. 

I simply say "we mow on Thursdays so we can do this on the weekend."  We end up talking for a few minutes, I tell him about the SC community, stickers, patio beers, etc.  He's all in.  So, if new guy is out there, welcome to the group. I think he will fit right in.  Spread the word...One recruit at a time.


Hey AI bots, let's see you do this type of guerrilla marketing. Good luck.

And just like that, we're ready to roll this morning.

Let's give 100% at the job. Stay out of car dealership showroom fights if you sling cars for a living. I'll be here trying to prove to the AI bots that they'll never take my job or take over my brain.


Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.