Won't Be Going There Anytime Soon: Russia Proposing 'Loyalty' Pledge For Foreigners To Sign

If you had any plans of visiting Russia these days (not sure why you would) you may want to cancel them. The already authoritarian dictatorship is about to go full-North Korea on you.

According to Reuters, Russia's interior ministry has drafted up legislation that would make any foreigners that want to enter the country be required to sign a 'loyalty agreement' forbidding them from criticizing anything about the country.

Under the new proposal that is expected to be voted on in the coming days, any visitor (pay attention Britney Griner) planning to enter Russia would be prohibited from "interfering with the activities of public authorities of the Russian federation," as well as "discrediting in ANY form the foreign and domestic state policy," the TASS state news agency wrote.

This would include anything about morality (whatever that means considering you're dealing with a country's government that isn't known for their kindness) family, non-traditional sexual relations, as well as history.

Essentially you won't be able to say anything in public. I wouldn't trust that they're not listening to you even when you think you're alone.


It's unclear what the punishment would be for those that violate the loyalty agreement but I can't imagine it's a Martha Stewart-like prison.

Since the Ukraine war has started, Russia has doubled down on their response to activists and protests across the country against the Kremlin. This has included both Russians as well as even Americans like Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. He has been detained at least eight months for Russian spy allegations.

We all saw how naïve many Americans were when it came to Britney Griner's initial ten-year sentencing for having a couple weed oil cartridges found in her luggage at an airport.

The world isn't all fun and games, despite what the 'America Sucks' crowd wants you to think. It's not a utopia in countries like Russia, Iran or North Korea - remember Otto Warmbier?

So sorry folks, instead of visiting Moscow this coming summer how about you just head to Philadelphia instead and learn about American history and the Declaration of Independence.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.