Woman Pleads Guilty In Britain's First Ever 'Cyber-Farting' Case
Think twice before farting on camera and sending it to someone else, especially if you're over in Britain. Letting it rip and sending the videos to someone you're not on the best of terms with is frowned upon and evidently falls under the broad definition of harassment.
A 25-year-old woman by the name of Rhiannon Evans appeared in court on Wednesday for what is being called Britain's first ever cyber-farting case. She stood accused of causing "distress or anxiety" to her boyfriend's ex, Deborah Prytherch.
The Sun reports that Evans sent the woman several "inappropriate" videos of herself farting that the prosecutor found to be "indecent or grossly offensive."
One person's indecent or grossly offensive, another's very funny, and to a smaller group of people a weird fetish. To each their own, as we used to say.
Prosecutor Diane Williams told magistrates in Caernarfon, North Wales that in the first video the accused, "proceeds to pass gas by placing the camera on her bottom and passing the gas."
Then, on December 22, Evans sent her boyfriend's ex three more videos. Over the next few days, she sent Prytherch four more. All the clips showed, "Miss Evans passing wind, her face smiling at the camera."
The cyber-farter has learned her lesson and is unlikely to unleash another similar attack
The ex, who was on the receiving end of the farting videos, read in court that she "would like to feel safe in my home."
Evans admitted that she had sent the videos when she was arrested at her home. According to the prosecutor, "She suggested she wanted to send videos because she felt her partner was being treated unfairly."
The prosecutor added, "It was purely malicious. She was smirking throughout, found it hilarious, but the victim didn’t."
I think the prosecutor left out a word there and that is that the sender of the videos "rightfully found it hilarious." Seriously, what are we doing here? They’re hauling people in for "cyber-farting?"
Evans, who did plead guilty to harassment, received a 12-month community order, 60 days of alcohol abstinence monitoring, a two-year restraining order and some fines for her hilarious "crime."
"I never thought farting would land me in court. I think the sentence is a bit excessive and dramatic. We are living in a very ‘snowflake’ generation," Evans told The Sun.
"I sent the messages on WhatsApp. I do have regrets, but I wouldn't have thought I would be here for something like this, to be honest. It's petty. I've learned my lesson."
Mission accomplished haters of funny fart videos. It doesn’t sound like she'll be unleashing a similar attack on anyone else.