Woman Knocked Out Cold During Wild Wedding Party Brawl With Cops Hit With New Felony Charges

A Rhode Island woman who was knocked out during a wild brawl with cops in September has been hit with felony charges. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Although if you're brawling with cops, and you reach for an officer's gun, a handful of misdemeanor charges likely aren't enough to accurately reflect the situation.

Rachel and David Onik, of Barrington, Rhode Island, were part of a wedding party that got into an early morning brawl with cops in Newport back in September. The two, along with four others, were arrested and charged.

A month later, the husband and wife are now being hit with new charges, including two felonies for Rachel. She was knocked out by an officer during the chaotic scene after video showed that she was reaching for his gun.

The early morning brawl outside of a restaurant called The Landing took place after David wasn't allowed into the establishment. It turns out they had stopped letting anyone inside. He decided to push an employee and take a swing at another.

Police were called and when they arrived things went off the charts insane. One of the women in the wedding party repeatedly kicked an officer in the groin. When he defended himself, her husband decided to throw punches.

It was one bad decision after another. When the dust settled the cuffs came out and there were free rides to jail handed out to those involved.

This video shows a woman, who was identified by police as Rachel, trying to grab an officer's gun.

Whatever You Do At A Wedding Don't Get Into A Wild Brawl With Cops Afterwards

Court documents show that both Rachel and David have some new charges to deal with.

Rachel, who initially had five misdemeanor charges, now has two additional felony charges of larceny. The charges according to the Newport police are from her attempt to grab two officers' guns.

David had four charges added to the one misdemeanor that he was originally charged with.

All in all not a great few weeks for these two. He starts a situation that leads to his wife being knocked out and the two of them arrested and facing multiple charges.

When all of their legal troubles are over these two can teach a course on what not to do when you attend a wedding.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.