Escort Katherine Taylor: That's Me In The Viral Steph Curry Photo
San Francisco-based escort Katherine Taylor is the woman from the now-viral Steph Curry golf shot celebration photo that is going nuts on the Internet.
What a week for boobs in pop culture.
First, we had Sydney Sweeney having a HUGE night hosting Saturday Night Live, which bled into Sunday and then think-pieces on Monday where it was determined that boobs ARE BACK.
Then, Wednesday night, in San Francisco, a Steph Curry golf shot celebration photo went viral thanks to a woman barely wearing anything who popped up in the background of the photo and into the hearts of millions of men around the world who are clearly embracing that boobs ARE BACK.
We can report that San Francisco-based escort Katherine Taylor, who charges $900 for one-hour experiences, according to her website, is the woman who stole the hearts and minds of men. "Godddd… Best date of my life as you can see," Taylor wrote on Twitter Thursday morning. "F--k me, remind me to come fully dressed next time. What a f--king blast," she added.

San Francisco-based escort Katherine Taylor says she's the woman in the now-viral Steph Curry photo from Wednesday night. Taylor also provided photographic evidence matching her to the scene. (Photo by Noah Graham/NBAE via Getty Images)
And just like that, men across the country suddenly care about the NBA on a Thursday morning.
In a photo proving she's the new viral sensation, Taylor reminded men across the country to "Shoot your shot, Baby." That's just marketing 101 after going viral, especially if you're an escort charging $7,000 for a 12-hour "overnight" that she advertises on her website. If you're into taking Katherine Taylor to an NBA game, you might want to bump down to the 8-hour, "extended dinner date" package where you'll be at the "intersection of lust, love and longing for even more of each other."
Look, if you're hiring an escort to take to an NBA game, you probably want to make a day/night out of it. Maybe grab some apps and beers before the game at Applebees, head over to the arena to see the shoot-around, grab more beers, catch the game, and home in time to hop in the sack for a couple of hours before Katherine heads home while you sleep off the booze and potato skins.
By the way, I know what you're thinking here: Hey Joe, why aren't you embedding a bunch of photos of Katherine? Because she has embedding turned off. I don't know what's up with that, but those are her rules, so I'm playing by them.
However, that doesn't mean I can't embed photos others have posted of Katherine. Here you go.