Woman Finds Out Her Sugar Daddy Died After Receiving A Text Message From His Wife
Nothing lasts forever. That includes a relationship between a sugar baby and her sugar daddy. Those relationships, like others of the more traditional style, come to an end for a variety of reasons.
The sugar daddy could have dipped too far into his retirement or his kids' inheritance and been forced to stop the extra spending. His wife or girlfriend could have caught him in the act and ended the good times once and for all.

Older man enjoying the company of a younger woman - this is an unrelated stock image (Image Credit: Getty)
Sadly, there's also the possibility that the sudden ghosting from the sugar daddy is due to the fact that they died. That's exactly what took place for a sugar baby, who took to X to reveal how she found out that her sugar daddy was no longer with us.
According to the screenshot provided, this sugar baby learned that her sugar daddy had died from his wife. There are a few unanswered text messages followed by a response from the man's wife.
The wife texted, "I'm not sure who you are but my husband passed away on June 15. Please don't text his phone. If you are a friend of ours then you should know my number."
Talk about a punch in the gut. The sugar baby couldn't believe it. She said, along with the screenshot of the text from the man's wife, "still can't believe this is how i found out my sugar daddy died…"
Adding to the confusion for the sugar baby is the fact that she didn't even know he was married. She thought throughout their relationship that he was a lonely man.
She revealed that in a follow-up post and the fact that her sugar daddy had died on her birthday, "he never told me he had a wife and he died on my birthday."
The Sugar Baby Found A Way To Keep Going After The Loss Of Her Sugar Daddy
That's heartbreaking stuff right there. You think you know the stranger sending you money, and then you find out he was a married man the whole time.
Don't feel too bad for buffys, she managed to somehow move on after her sugar daddy's untimely death. It's probably what he would have wanted.
In yet another follow-up to the screenshot of the text message from the wife, she tells her 47k followers and anyone else who comes across the story, "follow me 4 the sugar daddy tutorial."
She then gives a little insight into what her tutorial might look like. She posted, "just be pretty and hope a rich man gives you money for it."
Those words of wisdom were followed by another bit of information. She added, "the sites worked for me tho i found all of mine from dating apps ive never met any of them."
So what were the details of this arrangement and how much money are we talking about? Buffys eventually got to that as she hit each step of the grieving process in her replies.
According to the sugar baby, she made $2,400 in two years without ever meeting him. She said, before posting a screenshot of her transaction history, "he paid me for over 2 years without even meeting i had it so good BUT HE TOLD ME HE WAS SINGLE AND LONELY????????"
It might have been a relationship built on a lie, but it was a relationship that worked for the both of them. I don't know about you, but I'm definitely hopeful that this sugar baby will find this kind of love again.