Woman Asks Important Question 'Am I In the Wrong For Having My Boobs Out While Watching TV With My Boyfriend?'

Part of learning and growing as a person is taking feedback that you receive and internalizing it. You then take that feedback and use it to ask tough questions of yourself.

Really examine things from other people's points of view and try to improve.

It's natural, it's healthy, and some would argue that not enough people take the important task as seriously as they should. This 25-year-old woman is one of the ones willing to do the work.

Her 38-year-old boyfriend of six years had a criticism of her recent behavior, and she went out seeking answers. She did so by asking an important question on Reddit, "Am I in the wrong for having my boobs out while watching tv with my boyfriend?"

My immediate instincts say no, but let's take a deeper look into what led to this question being asked in the first place. She explains, "Today when we were watching tv on the sofa I lift my shirt up so my boobs were exposed because I was so hot."

Off to a good start here. She's hot, they're sitting on the sofa watching TV, and she decides to lift her shirt to cool down. So far, no issues have been detected.

Her boyfriend doesn’t agree with that assessment. He took a look at what was happening and responded by getting mad and asking her, "What the f*ck are you doing? Why are you laying there like that?"

He then compared it to a man with his unmentionables hanging out. Completely different things and if I need to go into detail about that for you, I'm afraid there might not be much hope for you.

Her boyfriend ended his fit by saying, "some things should be left for the imagination."

Woman Didn't Do Anything Wrong And Should Consider Drastic Measures

Left for the imagination in your house while watching TV? Needless to say, this didn't sit well with her. His comment upset her and left her feeling hurt. How else was she supposed to feel?

He then accused her of trying to ruin the night by starting a fight, before he stormed off to bed.

"I don’t understand what to feel and how to interpret this, and I felt like a disgusting pig because of what I did because of that comment. What would you do in this situation?," she asked as she wrapped up her statement.

I'm not going to lay out what kind of advice she received from the comment section on Reddit here. To me, the answer to this is simple. No, she's not in the wrong for having her boobs out while watching TV with her boyfriend.

Unless I'm missing something, the two of them were alone at the time. It doesn’t appear that she whipped out her boobs during a formal dinner party or anything. That means she has to break up with this guy.

Ladies, if your boyfriend tells you to put your boobs away while you're watching TV, there's something seriously wrong. He's either not all that into you or he's cheating, which would kind of underscore the "he's not all that into you" part.

Don't feel bad about it. This is on him and an absolute relationship ender. I guarantee there's someone out there who won't mind your natural cooling-off methods.

If somehow you don't agree with that, or think her boyfriend is in the right here, I want to hear from you.  I want to know in what world the move she pulled while the two of them were watching TV was out of line.

If you agree with me, I want to hear that too, sean.joseph@outkick.com.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.