Wisconsin School Board Gets An Earful From Purple-Haired TransG

Let's go to Wisconsin where all hell has broken loose over a purple-haired transG named Kora Novy who is telling the Oshkosh School Board how the world is going to work under purple-haired transG rules and regulations. 

Last Wednesday, the school board go together to discuss updates to the federal Title IX regulations that include "gender identity, sexual presentation and pregnancy in the definition of sex-based discrimination," according to NBC-26 which had a reporter sit through the board meeting.

The school board is deadlocked 3-3 over whether to implement these new regulations. The board discussed how it could lose 8-9% of its budget if the feds yank around $5.5 million for not following these new gender identity rules. 

Once the public comments were opened up at the meeting, Kora Novy, who goes by Kora Acebear (she/her/hers/they; trans "leatherwoman") on Facebook, decided to give the school board an earful on why they should just go forward with the purple-haired transG agenda. 

Did you listen to that lecture after Kora Novy, who holds leather and kink teach-ins, told the school board? After imposing gender identify beliefs on the school board, Kora then tells the school board it doesn't get to impose its beliefs on anyone else. 

"Our youth have enough to contend with, without being a political punching bag for sexual orientation sex characteristics gender identity," bad girl Kora told NBC-26. 

What in the Kamala word salad did I just read?

As one person on Twitter wrote, "We are living through what feels like a never ending mushroom trip." 

Hey parents, ask yourself if you want this influencing how the school system is going to operate and then tell your school board if you're cool with the purple-haired "kinkster" having a say. 

Your call. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.