Will Ferrell Getting Blasted For Wild Transgender Video, Comments

I don't want to get too serious today. I hate getting serious on a weekend, especially a college football Saturday. 

We've got Georgia-Bama in a few hours. Do we really need to discuss anything other than that today? Probably not, but here we are. 

Will Ferrell – remember him? – is BACK, baby. He's starring in a new Netflix movie with his best friend, Harper Steele, who came out as transgender a few years ago. Naturally, Will and Harper decided to make a film about it, called Will & Harper. 

According to Variety, the new movie "centers on the friendship between Ferrell and Harper Steele. The two met in the 1990s during their careers at 'Saturday Night Live.' Steele came out as transgender 30 years into their friendship."

Anyway, that's all fine. Seriously. I don't care. Again, I'm not here to be too serious. Not today. Not with kickoff coming up. 

I'm here to gauge the internet's reaction to Will and Harper. Judging by this now-viral video, it's … quite a rollercoaster:

But wait, there's more!

Will! Blink twice if you're OK! Does anyone have a newspaper with today's date on it you could send his way, and maybe just ask him to hold it up? Just to be safe?

Look, I'm not here to mock (too much, at least). I'm just reporting the news. When Twitter goes bananas over something, I report on it. I'm the messenger for you guys. You're welcome. 

Let's go ahead and dive in!

Yeah, that's what I thought when I first watched it, too. Just wild. 

Anyway, that's not all! 

Will and Harper were BACK just yesterday, speaking to Variety (of course), and promoting the new film. Ferrell's comments on "transphobia" sent the internet into a second tailspin in as many weeks.  

Give me virtue-signaling for $100!

"I don’t know why trans people are meant to be threatening to me as a cis male. I don’t know why Harper is threatening to me...why would you care if somebody’s happy? Why is that threatening to you? If the trans community is a threat to you, I think it stems from not being confident or safe with yourself." 

Yikes. Not your best stuff, Will. Frankly, though, I've long thought Will Ferrell was way overrated. And you know what? He's not funny. 

There. Someone had to finally say it, and I'm glad to do it. You wanna know the absolute worst episodes of The Office? The ones with Will Ferrell as DeAngelo Vickers. The worst. The most unfunny episodes in the history of time. 

Step Brothers? Eh. Good, not great. Best part of that movie is the Parks and Rec guy as the older brother, anyway. 

Elf? Good movie, but James Caan carries it. 

Anyway, tough day/week for Will Ferrell. Glad to see he's back, though! 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.