Wild Video Shows Teenager Jumping From Ski Lift

A teenager was hospitalized after she jumped from a ski lift when the chair malfunctioned - only to have no one catch her below! 

The wild video taken by another passenger at the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area in Crowley Lake, shows the unidentified 16-year-old female being told to jump by ski authorities and people below as they held a ‘safety net’ for her.

The only thing is - THEY COMPLETELY MISSED HER as the horrifying video shows the girl landing with an audible THUD onto the hard snow below.  


"The ski patrol failed this girl today, totally missing catching her with the net after convincing her everything was okay!!" the video’s caption read.

Talk about the worst ski patrol ever. 

This girl tried doing a ‘leap of faith’ and got nothing for it! This reminded me of when you fall backwards and hope your high school buddies would catch you (they never did - ultimate prank!)  Only this was no laughing manner as the snow may appear to look fluffy but really is just solid ice. 

Also, how hard is it to line up the safety net below the person and just be like"okay let go!" To miss her completely is just absurd to me - what was the ski patrol doing beforehand, ripping the Shotski in the lodge?

Oh wait, it's actually that they just really stink at their jobs.

The person filming the video later said that, "I heard the ski patrol say they’ve never done this before and was way under experienced for this situation!! Mammoth needs to do better!!"


A resort spokesperson in California that the teenager wasn't fully seated when the chair began to ascend. The other skiers on the chair held on to her as the authorities eventually shut down the machine. After 10 minutes of just dangling above the snow and being repeatedly urged over and over again to let go, the teenager eventually did as she fell into the snow below. 

The incident is the second one that the industry has had to work with  in recent days. Last week a man spent 15+hours stuck when a ski gondola just stopped.

Something tells me when all is said and done and this teenager is eventually released that she may opt for diving into a swimming pool rather than the snow in the future. Take up high diving and leave the snowboard at home!

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.