Look, if you were able to get a private moment with Joe Biden, and you asked him his thoughts on the “activist athlete” hammer thrower who turned her back on the national anthem, he would probably take another bite of Jell-O and ask you what year it is. His press secretary, though, tried to straddle the fence with typical political-speak, citing a “great respect” for the anthem tempered with the faithful Democratic narrative that our country is fundamentally flawed and needs overhauling. Democrats will continue clinging to the call for radical change in perpetuity because it creates two important assumptions for them: one, that the world is a hotbed of ugliness that needs correcting instead of celebrating (which creates a market for their services), and two, that only their brand of policy-making can deliver the depressed masses from their own miserable lives. The genius in the ruse lies in liberal voters’ unwillingness to consider that the person creating their discontent could ever be the same person advocating for it as well, even though nothing serves generational leftist leadership more than failure. It’s a morphine drip that weak minds just can’t shake. Just look at this country’s major cities. Nothing really changes for the better, yet the one thing that stays the same is that they all vote blue. Activist athletes like Gwen Berry, the righteously indignant hammer thrower, have been tricked by some very clever propaganda, and now find some bit of relief from the Democratically-inflicted pain in the form of rebellion. When you have been artificially subdued your entire life by leaders who claim to care about you in one breath and then call you inferior in the next, what else will develop but a latent hatred for life itself? You shouldn’t be surprised at all that these selfish public displays continue to happen; when you’re stuck in indignation, a little rage probably feels good. So thanks to the rage of emotionally manipulated people, Democrats get to both spread the disease and sell the cure. It's a disgusting cycle that has worked for decades and is only picking up steam. But take a second look at that podium. Look at the young woman on top, DeAnna Price, beaming from ear to ear, soaking in the moment of realization that she gets to compete on the world’s stage. Her joy is palpable—the accumulation of years of practice and dedication paying off in the form of unadulterated athletic achievement. No matter her personal politics, in that moment of triumph, her spirit was uncluttered by the manipulative sludge of leftist rhetoric. The competition sharpened her, and the beautiful intensity of the moment called her to a place that transcended the pettiness of for-profit discontent. Her pride in herself, and in the opportunity to represent her country on the grandest of stages, truly beamed from within. It was a moment she will never forget, even though a lesser competitor tried to hijack it with theatrics. And that’s exactly how we’ll vanquish this manipulative foe which has convinced so many weak, poisoned minds to prefer discontent over glory. The incredible power of sports lies in its ability to transcend petty narratives and instead award those with merit without compunction. The strong among us, free from the debilitating hooks of liberalism, must set an example of strength. We must celebrate life like DeAnna Price celebrated her victory, so that those stuck in mental bondage will see our example and be inspired to rise above liberalism, too. Let the left go on hating themselves. We can show them the power of pride through our love for America and for our neighbors.