Weather Girl Yanet Garcia's Halloween Costume, Instagram Models Celebrate Halloween - Part 2 & Cocaine Hunter Biden

Happy Halloween!

I don't have anything pressing to address this morning, but yesterday I did write this about Halloween and it's worth repeating this morning: Please, I'm begging you to not fall into the trap of the Switch Witch trend where suburban parents are waiting for their kids to go to bed before taking their candy and replacing it with a toy.

Let the kids eat the candy!

Bragging on the Screencaps' kids for a minute

This morning we realized Screencaps the III was chosen as the student of the week (for last week...he didn't even bring it up and we didn't find out until reading the school newsletter).

That's great and all, but then Mrs. Screencaps told me what Screencaps the III chose as his reward: Time to hang out with the school dog, Kepler.

Parenting win of the week.

Gas vs. electric

• Caleb from Pennsylvania, who scared me to death a couple of years ago with his LinkedIn profile (TBH, there are several of you who have scared me to death with profiles mentioning law firms, government agencies, the surveillance industry, etc.), writes:

Hope all is well with you and yours. Screencaps has been ON FIRE lately. Hallmark movies! Sunrise vs. Sunset! A Facebook group! SEC football games! Exotic woods! Frozen pizza! The wide range of content is just one reason I (and I’m sure many others) keep reading every day. 

 I saw this article and it really touched a nerve.

I don't claim to know anything about the costs/benefits of gas vs. electric lawn equipment. I’m sure electric is great in certain scenarios. However, isn’t it telling that the immediate reaction from some quarters is to ultimately BAN gas-powered lawn equipment?? To me, that’s a tacit acknowledgment that they know they can’t win an argument on the merits of switching to electric equipment, so instead they want to FORCE everyone to comply under penalty of law. Plus, I’m sure there would be loopholes for the privileged or well-connected. 

All the best to you and the entire Screencaps Community.


Here's the woman pushing this crap in Pennsylvania on her way to Harrisburg on Monday.

Would you trust her to make lawnmower and leaf blower policy decisions for the Keystone State?

I rest my case.

• Brian in Southern Lancaster County, PA sent the same story from the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Love the column. I'm not one to email a lot, but this story out of my former hometown got my attention:

Thankfully, I moved out to the country 13 years ago and have never looked back.


Once again, I will point you to Ms. Cardoni on Amtrak and rest my case. These maniacs will not stop. They'll eventually come after your wood pellet grills. Just give them time. They'll eventually pivot to the next thing that one of their wacko friends claims is causing the oceans to rise and stronger hurricanes.

Speaking of Pennsylvania

• Matt, who is Jelly Roll from PA's husband, writes:

It’s been some time since I’ve written to you, but you better believe I’m still reading Screencaps daily and cutting on Thursdays! I’d like to chime in on two recent emails you featured:

What happened to denim jeans that aren't stretchy?

Tim G. wanted to know where to get denim and Screencaps readers were ready with answers:

• Chris S. in Illinois says:

Origin-Jocko Willink’s company. Made in America, from American materials. Jeans are unbelievably durable, but still has some stretch. I wear them in the shop every day, going on 3 years on my first pair, no holes.

Everything they make is top-notch. You will pay a bit more, but on sale the jeans are $99.00, and well worth it. Bonus-no woke worries from Jocko.

• Brendan in F'ville, NC writes "#notsponsored":

I don't know if they've gone the same way as Carhartt, but the "Carhartt of the West Coast" is/was Ben Davis.

My deceased Grandpa (a boiler engineer for the US Merchant Marine during WWII and subsequently for the City of San Francisco) would not have worn anything else to work or around his "shop".

P.S. I'll never forget the look on my Grandpa's face when I made him watch a Dr. Dre music video on MTV in the early 90s to show him that his "shop clothes" had become the clothing of choice for the West Coast Rap scene. 

• Brandon C. in Pinckney, MI writes:

Duluth Trading Company original fire hose jeans are still the new gold standard for me. Super tough denim fabrio, the "crotch gusset" to give you extra room for the boys when you gotta squat down to pull the cotter pin on the lawn tractor, having a talking to a youngster who just ripped the leg off a fellow competitor with a vicious slide tackle at 8U co-ed soccer, or follow a log slice all the way with your chainsaw in the backyard.

More pricey than your average Costco pair, but you can usually get them on sale couple of times a year for less than $40/pair. And they'll last a long time. Just don't get the "Duluth flex" or you'll get the wussified strechy fabric that doesn't last as long. For bigger fellas like me (6'0", 250lbs in a Tommy Vardell sort of way), I appreciate the relaxed fit where the jeans give me a little extra room for the badonkadonk I'm carrying instead of having everything sized / cut for a European chain-smoking waif like I've experienced with so-called "legacy American" denim companies. 

Also, photos coming on before/after leaf pictures of my backyard and my garden fence I built out of leftover scrub brush and logs after fall cleanup. 

Yard signs are out of control!

• Michael V. writes:

I think the yard signs have gotten out of control in recent years. I can't speak for the rest of the country I believe Long Island has way too many. However, most involve something children did, not adults. Does the neighborhood really need to know everything about your kids? Here is just a short list of what I have seen walking around my neighborhood over the past year.

Elementary school graduation

Middle school graduation

Participation in a youth league

Starting kindergarten 

Starting middle school

Fundraising for youth sports 

These are the small signs. Birthdays are typically full lawn signs with individual big letters, numbers and characters. Look, I get it we are all proud of our kids and for bigger events like high school or college graduation it may be warranted but I feel like this has gone overboard in recent years.

I would also assume that most of this is done by wives who don't want their kid to be the only one on the block without a sign celebrating participation on a team. And yes if I am being honest my house is part of the problem because my wife wanted the birthday sign for age 6 and 7 but I am proud to say we didn't do one this year for age 8. Hopefully, this breaks the trend and we are done with them.


I'm proud to say the Screencaps house has never had a single yard sign outside of the 'Sold' sign when we bought this place in 2010. Not a single political sign. Not a single sign begging neighbors to buy a square so my kids can play travel ball or go to Washington D.C. on the 8th grade school trip. No blogger of the year signs.

Order definitely needs to be restored in this country.

Speaking of yard signs and order being restored in this country, you're going to like this one (this one brought a smile to my face)

• Jim T. writes:

My 5-year-old niece gave me dinosaurs skateboarding stickers for my birthday. Very sweet. On a lark, I presented one to a coworker last week for a job well done. Now I have grown-ass men competing for dinosaur stickers in the workplace - putting them on their coffee mugs, water bottles, etc.


Did a Screencaps reader just start another movement? It feels like it. Now I need to find some of these stickers before this community goes on a buying spree.

Remember, see something, say something. I love emails like this. It's such a mundane moment in life, but it shows humanity and if I know anything about modern culture, it sure could use more mundane reflections on life.

#TeamSunset just keeps bringing the content

• Richard S. says:

Long time reader, first time caller.

Was on Coronado Island (near downtown San Diego) this past weekend for a getaway with my wife (we live in San Diego, but hey, sometimes you stay close for a vacation!), and caught this sunset on Saturday night.

• Bill C. stops by:

I’m late to the sunset/sunrise debate as well. I’ve always been a big sunset guy. Seeing those pics from Greg S reminded me of one I took at a local high school football field. Sort of a Friday Night Lights sunset vibe. 

• Chap in Texas writes:

This is about as good a sunset you can get in Texas - small town Friday night football sunset!


• Bob W. writes:

Greetings. Wanted to share a pic I took, this is the moon over the stadium during a great Luke Bryan concert Saturday here on Daniel Island, SC. Enjoy.

• Bob adds:

Thought I would share this shot of the scenery Heron Island, shot while taking the waterfront trail to the stadium for Luke Bryan on Saturday. Enjoy.

#TeamSunrise pretty much in real-time this morning

• John W. emailed at 8:02 a.m. ET:

I prefer a relaxing sunset as usually related with wrapping up day and relaxing but location often drives towards seeing sunrises.

Here is a photo from today as we get ready to close down east facing camp in’s 28 degrees out there.

• Lane C. checked in 8:06 a.m. ET:

Cotton field this morning in Blackville, SC!  Love your column!


Awesome job by #TeamSunrise this morning! I love this real-time feel. It's like doing sports-talk radio where you guys are dialing in while I'm sitting here and I don't even have to answer the phone lines. It's ideal.

Your favorite Screencaps Sheriff IS BACK with a message on the current state of furniture prices

• 'Sheriff' John in Houston, who became a hero to many for his mesmerizing story on killing raccoons, stops by:

Saw your $1500 nightstand and am not surprised. But I can do better. 

My wife and I are building a big new house. Awful timing with interest rates and other factors, but it is what it is. How this came to be is a story for another day. 

Nonetheless, the interior decorator that she hired - her honest job description would be "domestic enabler" - convinced my wife to spring for a $12,000 breakfast table and chairs.

When I pointed out that we could get a perfectly fine breakfast table for less than $1,000 at a normal furniture store, it was explained to me that if we are going to live in a nice new house, then we need nice new furniture. And besides, the dimensions of the room are such that we need THIS table because it is JUST the right size and any other CHEAP breakfast table just wouldn't fit in the space, so BACK OFF. 

The good news is that we both make money (she's an attorney), so we can afford it, but geez. And I have convinced her to back off of several other pieces of overpriced designer furniture, but the Gucci breakfast table unfortunately endures. 


Now I need to know what toy or piece of furniture John got for himself. Is there an 85" TV in a cave to watch movies? Did John spring for the leather swivel chair he's always wanted for his study (John's an Ivy League grad who "came out with all of the wrong opinions," as he once told me)? This Texas house sounds like it could have a really, really nice study.

Did John get a UTV he's had his eyes on?

Guys, I hope you are getting some sort of toy out of these ordeals where the interior decorator is talking your wives into $12,000 breakfast bar setups.


You can add White Castle to the robot revolution

McDonald's. Chipotle. Panera. White Castle.

The robots are here to make sure your bag has what you ordered.

What a Halloween edition of Screencaps. The emails are awesome. The Instagram models did their thing. The Hunter Biden costume is priceless.

This truly is the best job I could've ever created for myself. Today's post has me energized.

Now let's go have ourselves a great Halloween. Please send me reports from the field. Let me know what you see in your neighborhood. Keep an eye out for great costumes or great dad moments. What dad went above and beyond the call of duty tonight?

Have a great day. Let the kids eat the candy!


Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.