WATCH: Boston Police Officer Takes Brutal Ride Down Slide Ostensibly Meant For Children In Viral Video

One of Boston's finest took a spin on a slide at a local playground. It went poorly, to say the least, and now probably wishes that he had not.

City Hall Plaza in Boston has a newly renovated playground which includes this new slide. According to Boston 25 News, this tall, steep slide is intended for kids ages 2 to 12.

For whatever reason, a Boston police officer took a ride on it. It didn't work out as planned and then proceeded to go viral.

Now, before you even watch the video, take a look at the slide. Would let a 2 to 12-year-old you were responsible for ride that thing and why is the answer no?

Somehow, the officer came steaming out of that thing face down and backward at a considerable rate of speed.

It was a nasty trip down something that kids are supposed to play on and the officer reportedly sustained a head injury. He was treated by Boston EMS.

The Boston Mayor Thinks The Slide Needs More Signs

The video of the incident went so viral that it came to the attention of Boston's Mayor Michelle Wu.

“I don’t know what the circumstances were or what happened," the Democratic mayor said. “But, I will definitely check in and make sure the officer is ok. If it looks like that there needs to more signage that this is for children or something, we can do that too.”

Sounds like a left-wing approach for sure. A guy eats it hard on a slide meant for kids and her take is that signs will fix the issue at hand.

Good idea, but maybe reconfiguring that death trap is a better start.

Here's to hoping that the officer makes a speedy recovery. That was a nasty spill.

Hopefully, the Mayor comes up with a better way to fix that slide than more signs but we probably shouldn't hold our breath.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.