Watch: Airline Worker Falls Out Of Aircraft Door After Stairs Were Removed

An airline worker went viral for all the wrong reasons this past week after not paying attention and falling out of an airplane door while on the tarmac because his coworkers pulled the steps away.

Get ready to watch the best video of your day. 
(And yes, he survived and is all good, so you're allowed to laugh)

Colleagues Pulled Staircase Ladder Away 

The TransNusa Airlines worker had just wrapped up his duties as the flight was gearing up to take off. All of a sudden, after saying goodbye to the pilot, he exits the plane thinking that the stairs were still there. But of course, they weren't. 

(Side note: Can I just say that if I'm a passenger and I see someone that was working on the airline legit fall out the damn door, I'd probably take another aircraft.) 

Fortunately, the man only received non-serious injuries, but he's probably not too pleased with his coworkers. 

The incident is currently being investigated by Jakarta Airport authorities as the work colleagues may have broken aviation rules which do not allow the removal of the staircase ladder while the aircraft door is still open.

But hey, at least this viral video is one we can all laugh at - unlike the inexcusable ones we are seeing from Boeing. 

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.