Vivek Ramaswamy Confronts CNN's Van Jones After Receiving Death Threats And How It Ends Will Shock You

Not much good came out of the DNC. Obviously, that's a biased opinion, but it's also true. The right is still gonna vote Trump. The left is still gonna vote Kamala Harris. The middle is gonna be miserable and just flip a coin. 

That's pretty much it. There, I just solved election day for you. You are welcome!

That being said, there was something good that came out of it – and it came from maybe the two most random sources of all time: Vivek Ramaswamy and CNN's Van Jones. 

Doesn't get much more opposite than that, baby!

Vivek showed up on the final day of the convention, and ran into Jones. Obviously, they aren't pals. Don't need me to tell you that, though. One is Team Trump. One is Team CNN. Easy math. 

At some point over the past year, Vivek asserts, to Jones, that his comments about him on CNN led to multiple death threats towards his family. The two were filmed having a two-minute conversation about the situation and the ending will … shock you!

Spoiler alert: they didn't yell, kick or scream. They just spoke. And listening. And apologized. What a concept!

Take a look:

Vivek Ramaswamy and Van Jones actually talk like regular humans

Look, I have no idea if any of this is staged or what, and I don't care. That's not the point here. It's a solid two minutes of discourse between two people on very different sides of the aisle. We don't get that anymore. Haven't you noticed?!

If you're a liberal, you loathe Trump and anyone who supports him. If you're a conservative, you puked while sitting through Kamala Harris' speech last night and think all liberals are idiots. 

That's not me just trying to be funny. That's fact. That's how this country operates right now. Hell, I'm guilty of it now and again, too. I have a sister in college right now. I don't ask who she supports, because I already know the answer. 

Does it sting a little? Sure. But I move on. People are people. Words mean a lot, especially with how looney-tunes this country is right now. The left called Donald Trump Hitler for years and years, and then he almost took a bullet to the dome. It's a real thing. 

And that's what Vivek Ramaswamy, I think, is trying to get at here. I don't have any clue if he's full of crap. He may very well be – he's a politician, after all. Same with Van Jones. I don't trust ‘em as far as I can throw ’em, and I'm an ex-college athlete. 

But it's still a decent little reminder of what actual discussion sounds like. And a reminder that – GASP – we can all disagree and still be normal humans. 

Anyway, back to your scheduled programming. Let's go have a big weekend. 

PS: did a dude actually show up to Vivek's house with four dead bodies?! Feel like that should be talked about a little more. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.