Vegan Restaurant Will Now Sell Meat After Admitting Veganism Isn't Saving The Planet

A popular vegan restaurant is throwing out the tofu for the ribeye, as they've decided to start selling meat. 

Los Angeles' Sage Vegan Bistro will now transition to serving meat, dairy, and eggs after the head chef said that they don't believe veganism is the best way to save the planet. A heck of a move by a place that literally has the word ‘Vegan’ in its title!

If that wasn't enough, Chef Mollie Engelhart is facing criticism from other members of team Vegan after she agreed to start using ‘regenerative farming practices' - which are highly criticized by the holier-than-thou's at PETA. 


"That means that we will be shifting from an all-plant-based menu to a high-quality protein from only the highest-quality, most-integrity regenerative farms," Engelhart explained in a way-too-long Instagram post. Environmentalists have criticized regenerative farms because of the carbon footprint that they can have.

"To some, this may seem shocking or upsetting, but if you look at the last seven years of my life, and as I moved into regenerative farming to serve the highest-quality food to my customers, I started to learn so much about soil and nature," she continued. "I think that the next step forward is regenerative agriculture, and for that to move forward, it needs to be in the zeitgeist, it needs to be in our everyday conversations."

The restaurant is now in people's everyday conversations alright, just not those that are willing to accept it. 

The lovely people at PETA decided to comment on the restaurant's Instagram page by accusing it of "serving greenwashed and humane-washed meat, dairy, and eggs," - oh, the humanity! Or should it be, "oh, the plantanity!"

One ‘vegan restaurateur’ even described the restaurant's shift to selling meat products as "mourning a death," they told Business Insider


But before you chicken wing lovers get ahead of yourselves, there seems to be a different reason why Engelhart ditched the vegan food.

"My restaurants have been really struggling, like so many restaurants post-pandemic.".

And there it is.

Veganism has had a tremendous downfall globally in recent years, much like the Electric Vehicle craze. If the eatery wanted to stay in business, they had to adapt.

Welcome, Chef Mollie. Grab a seat, there's plenty of animals to go around - along with their methane-producing farts. 

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.