Antifa Attacks Someone On Its Side In Laugh-Out-Loud Funny Video

You don't have to be smart to be a member of Antifa.

Antifa and other anti-America/anti-Israel groups continue to try to cause chaos on college campuses, and some of the video footage over the past few weeks is nothing short of incredible.

Whether it was an Ole Miss bro offering an obese woman $100 to do a single push-up or LSU students crushing a pro-Hamas rally, the footage has been electric.

That latest out of the University of Washington is definitely among the best.

Antifa members beat fellow occupier they thought liked Israel.

The University of Washington is dealing with its own idiots cosplaying as revolutionaries, but as anyone who knows anything about war would tell you, clear communication and identification is key.

You can't risk a friendly fire incident. I guess they didn't teach that in Antifa 101. Julio Rosas, one of the best riot and civil unrest reporters in the world, tweeted a video Sunday of Antifa members beating a fellow occupier because they mistakenly identified him as someone who supports Israel.

Check out the truly comical video below, and hit me with your thoughts at

Everything about this video is awesome. These morons are dressed up like they think they're on a battlefield, and are using plastic trash cans as shields. They look so dumb. You just have to laugh at their stupidity. Not only do they look dumb, but they apparently can't even tell who is on their side.

The sad part is they thought it was okay to beat someone for being pro-Israel and only stopped once they realized they were on the same side.

It's like a bad "SNL" sketch, but real. Look at the photo below from Julio and try to not laugh.

Where are some SEC frat boys when you need them? They'd have this situation ended in about five minutes. Lastly, there's nothing less intimidating than out of shape people carrying plastic shields and covering their faces. Who do they think they're scaring? Just comical on all levels. Complete losers and clowns. Let me know at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.