Airline Meltdowns: Crazy Chick Tells Some Old Lady To 'Suck My D--k'

Let's play a game: How long could you stay married to this wacko chick who went nuts on a United Airlines flight from Miami to Newark?

One of the networks should come up with a new reality show where you have to marry these crazies and then you're dropped off on an island for your honeymoon. Jeff Probst from "Survivor" comes around every afternoon to present the two of you with a challenge. 

Then, afterwards, Jeff asks you if you'd like to leave the island. If you stay for a month, you win a million. 

Watch this video closely. Could you stay on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean with this one for a month? Just the two of you. 

Did you see what she did to that guy's shirt? That's what she'd do to you on that remote island on night one. 

For those of you who are into context, according to reports, the woman went nuts Tuesday night on this flight from Miami to Newark. The chaos in the air required the flight to land in Orlando, so the police could come get this maniac. 

"Our flight attendants worked to de-escalate the situation and protect other customers and after landing in Orlando, law enforcement met the flight, and the passenger was removed," United announced

Before she was done, the crazy chick made sure to drop a wild line when she told some old lady to "suck my d--k." 

Have another drink, hun. 

United Airlines has had a rough week

Meanwhile, CBS show host and analyst Ashley Moss is claiming racial profiling over the usage of the forward restroom on a flight from Denver to Los Angeles. "You should definitely train your flight attendants better," Moss charged on Twitter. 

"Is the bathroom at the front of your plane reserved only for your white customers? I've spent thousands of dollars on your airline – just absolutely vile behavior."

And there's more! 

Monday, during takeoff, a United Airlines plane lost a wheel during takeoff for Denver. The plane eventually landed safely. "The wheel has been recovered in Los Angeles, and we are investigating what caused this event," the airline said.

What a week for the United Airlines crisis management team. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.