The window seat just became the best seat if you are flying United Airlines. Beginning yesterday, any passenger flying in United's economy section will now learn that their boarding system just got a whole lot more difficult. And you can be sure it's going to not only lead to chaos but perhaps a brawl or two as well. Which would be par for the course considering flying in 2023 these days! The new United system - known as WILMA, will board those with the window seat first, followed by the middle seat and finally those with what was previously the best seat - the aisle seat last. This of course means that it's going to be a crapstorm when it comes to overhead baggage - all but ensuring that those with the aisle seat (who clearly care about where they sit on the plane by ensuring more leg room) are now not going to have any overhead space. Traveling with your family - good luck as the already stressful situation is not going to involve some sort of fight about there not being enough room. Have young kids or teenagers? "See ya on the plane!" You can see how it's already going to not only be confusing, but you are just asking for fist fights and arguments at the gate. UNITED WILL BOARD WINDOW SEATS FIRST United says they previously tested the WILMA-like system out back in 2017 and that it helped "save two minutes of boarding time." TWO WHOLE MINUTES. And this is why analytics stinks these days - just ask my New York Yankees. Also, that two minutes is going to be worthless after having to explain to a hundred passengers on each plane every single day why they can't just all board when their group is called. Your two minutes saved just went to fifteen minutes delayed. To think that something that worked back in 2017 - when everybody wasn't as crazy and anxious and stressful and downright insane as they are these days when it comes to flying is foolish on United's fault. I don't remember in 2017 people openly taking dumps in airplane aisles, flooding the bathroom, fist fights breaking out left and right, or lunatic ladies running to the front of the plane because there's imaginary ghosts sitting near her (Sounds like she had some of Aaron Rodgers psychedelics) It's only been 24 hours and already United is facing criticism online with some even beginning to boycott the airline and cancelling their reservations. We'll see if United stays with their new change or if they will backtrack like Delta recently did regarding changes in their Delta Skyclub. Either way, it's sure to bring us here at OutKick some excellent airplane chaotic content! ARE YOU A WINDOW OR AN AISLE PERSON? TWEET ME @THEGUNZSHOW WITH YOUR REACTIONS!