Umpire Attacked During Adult Softball Game After Being Told To Move Away From Plate

That'll be a foul ball on sportsmanship.

An adult male softball player was arrested and charged with assault after attacking the umpire before the game even began.

Gregory Roudabush and umpire Wiley Butler began arguing with each other before the first pitch was thrown last week at Columbus, Ohio's Berliner Park. Butler had apparently asked the batter to move off a bit from the plate which apparently was enough to set off the verbal confrontation.

Things escalated when Butler ejected Roudabush from the game and that's when all hell broke loose. Roudabush responded to having his Tuesday night softball game cut early by taking a swing at Butler and clocking him right in the face before THEN throwing him to the ground as the other players came out to separate them.

The Columbus Reaction and Parks Department (note, it's not Parks and Rec like the television show) investigated the incident and the City Attorney charged Roudabush with first-degree misdemeanor assault as well as fourth-degree disorderly conduct.

Video of the fight can be seen here.


Now Roudabush finds himself in the awkward position of being labeled as the town's psychopath.

He's going to feel like quite the small man the next time he's pushing his shopping cart through the local grocery store on a Saturday morning.

It would have been much easier if he just did what what has become a ritual whenever things don't go right during adult softball games - drink.


Meanwhile, I have to know if he even told his girlfriend or wife about the incident.

Did he just return home like nothing happened?

Because Roudabush is sure to have an even worse morning than an umpire yelling at him when his significant other sees that he's now the lunatic that beat up an ADULT SOFTBALL UMPIRE of all people. You just know her group texts are blowing up from people that read about her guy on sites like OutKick.

It's the latest physical altercation that we've seen during sporting events. From having fans fight in the stands, to a teenager's cheap shot after he was mad he lost a wrestling match, to benches clearing at a minor league baseball game this past week!

Oh, and you can't forget when a Monopoly game escalated into swords being pulled out.

2023 baby!

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.