Are aliens spying on America's nuclear weapons? As OutKick readers are very aware, debates and discussions about UFOs are an incredibly captivating subject. People simply can't get enough when it comes to wondering what's up in the sky. Are we truly alone in the universe? What are the objects caught on video up in the sky? Are aliens real? These are questions people talk about around the clock, and we're definitely here for it. We now have a claim that might keep people awake at night. Are aliens spying on America's nuclear weapons? There certainly seem to be a lot of UFO sightings around America's military sites, and UFO expert Robert Hastings made a shocking claim about what might be being spied on. Hastings, who has interviewed military members on the subject, believes UFOs are visiting and spying on America's nuclear arsenal, according to the Daily Mail. "The ones that are currently operational, have been visited repeatedly year after year according to the sources that I have interviewed," he told the outlet when discussing the subject of UFOs spying on America's nukes. He also wrote in his book - "UFOs and Nukes" - "A public, grassroots effort must be made in the interim to understand – as best as possible, using the data gathered thus far – the nature and intentions of those who pilot the UFOs. Or perhaps they have a use for our planet, let's say for scientific purposes, and know that global nuclear warfare will disrupt their data-gathering and/or experiments," according to the same report. In total, more than 120 people who allegedly have knowledge of the visits at nuclear sites have come forward to Hastings. Information about the alleged visits is difficult to obtain because of it being classified, but Hastings believes whatever is piloting the UFOs is "greatly interested in our nuclear weapons." Does that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach? It certainly should, if Hastings' claims are true. That's a huge "if," but certainly worth considering. Hastings' claims also come amid a bombshell report that unknown UFO drones that can't be shot down have been spying on America's most sensitive military sites. The government ruled out the drones being piloted by casual drone fans doing it for fun. That means they're being controlled by a sophisticated operation. One official claimed the UFO drones are coming from a "mother ship." What do you think UFOs are and do you believe aliens are real? Let me know at, and make sure to keep checking back for the latest UFO stories as we have them.