UFO The Size Of A Football Field Allegedly Seen Near Military Base
A shocking claim involving a UFO allegedly spotted decades ago is generating some serious interest.
If there's one subject that just about everyone has an opinion on, it's definitely UFOs and alleged sightings of unknown objects. People either fully believe in them, think the subject is complete nonsense or falls somewhere in the middle. Everyone simply seems to have some thoughts.
Well, the latest story is one of the most shocking we've ever heard and it comes directly from a former Air Force officer.
Former USAF senior patrolman Jeff Nuccetelli appeared on the "Merged" podcast to discuss his experience with contractors allegedly seeing a UFO the size of a football field near Vandenberg Air Force Base in California back in 2003, according to the Daily Mail.

A massive UFO was allegedly spotted over Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2003. (Credit: Getty Images)
Former Air Force officer shares wild UFO story.
Contractors working for Boeing claim a giant floating red square at least 100 yards long appeared over a launch site. Nuccetelli was sent to respond.
"This is not a joke. These are contractors with top secret clearances," Nuccetelli explained. There was a second alleged encounter where the UFO "buzzed" two USAF police patrol officers, according to the same Daily Mail report.
"When I showed up, it's just mayhem. Everybody's excited. They're scared. Everyone's freaked out," Nuccetelli said on the podcast.
"I'm getting ready to jump in the car, and then all hell breaks loose and they start screaming over the radio, 'It's coming right at us. It's coming right for us. Now it's right here. It was hard to hear because they were screaming and they were scared," the former USAF officer explained.
In Nuccetelli's mind, there's no doubt something was witnessed. He added, "These guys are trained observers. They're posted out there, you know, 24/7. They know what aircraft look like. They know what fishing boats look like. I didn't feel like they were just jumping the gun, because there had been a UFO."
"I talk to everybody. Basically what they described was this object came in, was moving strangely, erratically. It got bigger and brighter as it came in. Then it came at a high rate of speed and flew right up to the entry control point, and stopped. And they all stared at it. And it just shot off," Nuccetelli recalled when talking about the shocking alleged event.
Does it add up?
For what it's worth, this isn't the first story involving a massive UFO the size of a football field to go public.
There was something photographed over The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms - Camp Wilson that was believed to be the size of a three story house or half the size of a football field, according to UFO journalist Jeremy Corbell.
It's a crazy story Nuccetelli is sharing, and it's slightly backed up by more recent events. It's also worth noting Vandenberg Air Force Base and The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms - Camp Wilson are only 300 miles apart. That's incredibly close for aircraft to travel.
My biggest reason for pause is it's hard to imagine in a post-9/11 world a massive military installation didn't have the proper resources to respond to an aircraft intrusion. I'm not going to hang my hat on it, but it's definitely a red flag. Now, if it was our own aircraft, there's a chance there would be no reason for alarm if it was a test flight. Remember, the military has weapons the public doesn't know about that you or I couldn't even imagine. What was this alleged red UFO the size of a football field? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.