Man Survives Bear Attack, Accidentally Shoots Himself: VIDEO

An Alaskan man is probably lucky to be alive after an encounter with a massive bear.

As OutKick readers know, we love covering nature and the animal thunderdome because you simply never know what might happen.

Unlike what a Disney movie might suggest, nature isn't your friend. Big animals will be more than happy to make a human a quick snack or tear them limb to limb.

That's nearly what happened to Tyler and his dad.

Man survives bear attack in Alaska.

Tyler Johnson was on the Kenai Peninsula's Resurrection Pass Trail last weekend with his dad when a bear attacked them. 

"We were hiking through some pretty thick grass here and we startled her or him. I'm not sure and it came charging out...Thankfully, when I was falling backwards, I was able to unsheath my pistol and when he was on top of me, absolutely unload like a motherf*cker on top of this guy. So did my father. I'm not sure. I did shoot myself in the leg when I was falling backwards right here. It went straight through my leg," Johnson explained in a now-viral video.

The video also shows his wound and the massive bear dead on the ground. You can watch the stunning footage of Johnson explaining in full what happened here.

Nature can be an absolute beast at times, and the fact Tyler and his dad got into a gun battle with a bear is a reminder of a fact.

Bear shootings have also been on a bit of a run lately. A hunter recently took down an absolutely giant bear in Alaska with multiple rifle shots and some quick work with a 10mm pistol.

Now, Tyler Johnson and his dad had to go to work against a bear that attacked them. Is shooting yourself by accident ideal? Obviously not, but I'd rather deal with a minor gunshot than be dead.

Also, major props to Tyler for remaining poised on camera after sending a bullet through his leg. Not many people would have been the same.

Always keep your head on a swivel when it comes to the animal thunderdome. You never know what might happen, and this situation is proof of that fact. Let me know what you think at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.