Trump-Bashing Comedian Who Used To Be Funny Resurfaces Out Of Nowhere Looking Unrecognizable & Homeless

Remember George Lopez? The guy who used to be funny and, also, used to wake you up at 3 a.m. because you left your TV on Nick at Nite and his TV show would come on and absolutely blow your speakers off? 

Yes, that George Lopez! He had the hot TV wife and the annoying TV mom but, unlike his actual self, he was a sane TV dad? That's the guy!

Well, he's back, boys and girls. Admittedly, I hadn't seen George Lopez for years. I know he's a Trump basher – shocker – and he spoke at an insufferable Kamala rally last year, but I never actually saw him. 

Nobody actually watched those things, right? 

And, apparently, nobody did! Because when George resurfaced earlier this week, the internet was so stunned at his physical appearance, I'm not sure anyone has quite yet processed it. 

What a transformation. What a nutbag:

Welcome back, George!

My God. Incredible Jarring. Scary. Sobering. Insert any adjective you'd like, really. They all fit. 

What the hell happened to George Lopez?! Is this what actual Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like? I know it makes you sound like a moron, but I didn't realize this is how it made you look. 

Shocking. And I loved the George Lopez show. It was hilarious. Honestly, it was lowkey one of the funnier shows during that golden age of TV in the mid-2000s. 

Every single person who is 30(ish) right now would agree with me, because you all grew up crushing George Lopez episodes at 1 in the morning just like I did. 

You always knew, without a doubt, that you could trust George to be there for you at Nick at Nite from about 1 to 4 in the morning, seven days a week. He was our comfort food. That, Full House and Fresh Prince. The best. 

Sadly, though, it appears George Lopez has jumped the shark. Oh well. That's life for you. What's the old saying? You never wanna actually meet your childhood heroes? 

This is why. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.