Welcome to the latest edition of True Romance With SeanJo. As is the case every week, we've got a lot of the anything but conventional romance to unpack this week. We have those who have kept an open heart and found love wherever they look for it and those who are still out there searching for it. It's a quest that can take you down some interesting paths. A married couple serves as true inspiration this week for those who haven’t yet found what they're looking for. These two tried, they failed, they got back up and were able to make it all come together. It's a beautiful thing to watch unfold. There are others still searching for what these two have. Will they eventually find it? They will if they get back up when they fail. That sometimes requires a different perspective. A woman who broke up with her boyfriend then hooked up with all of her friends after a night of drinks has presented her ex with such an opportunity. It's up to him to take advantage of it. Remember I want to hear from you. If you have a true romance story you want to share or if you want to comment on anything, send them my way at sean.joseph@outkick.com. Sleeping with other men was my husband's decision. Let's dive right in this week with the couple who seem to have figured out what works for them. Kitty and Liam met almost a decade ago on a popular dating site. The two started out in a casual relationship before getting serious and eventually tying the knot. It wasn’t until they were married that Liam expressed an interest in seeing his wife sleep with other men. Their first attempt at it was a complete disaster. Kitty wasn't down with it at first, but agreed to attend a swinger's party with her husband. She told Love Don't Judge of their first experience, "We decided to go to a swinger's party and it was the worst night ever!" That night put an end to the fantasy. Or so they thought. Liam explains that things took off after they had their house renovated. He said, "Our house is getting renovated, so I would send her a cheeky text asking if she would sleep with any of the handymen." At first the answer was no. That was until a plumber entered the job site and changed everything. He helped the couple find what they were looking for. Since then, they've been hooking up with other couples, and they haven’t looked back. Obviously, there are those who hate a good love story and attempt to rain on their happily ever after parade, but they're not phased by it at all. They know a couple that swings together and sets up monthly swaps with other couples, stays together. Talk about a touching story. You can see why it's batting in the leadoff spot this week. It's meant to serve as an example of what is possible for the rest of the stories to follow. Married man wants to sleep with his neighbor This next one is a perfect example. Here we have a married man who is interested in hopping into bed with his neighbor. He lets her know, and she throws a stiff-arm his way. It's not a Derrick Henry-style stiff-arm, but it's one that is thrown out as a deterrent. Some might say that this is just a guy looking to cheat on his wife. On the surface, that might be true, but we're not here for what's on the surface. We're here to look at what's going on underneath it. There is where you'll find a guy full of love to share with the world. According to The Mirror, the single woman shared her story on a forum where she received the typical responses about the guy being a selfish cheater. The woman explained that she is single and that her neighbor has been married for 20 years. The two are friendly, but aren't close friends. One day, he made his desire to hook up with her known. "I get along with him as a neighbor, there's a few of us who all chat and have a laugh. I get on with his wife but I don't see her out and about as often as him," she wrote. "Me and him have never been alone other than if we bump into each other outside the houses. I've never flirted. I wouldn't say that we're close friends but we get on as neighbors – all of us." When he told her that he was interested, she responded by telling him that she might consider it if he was single, but that sleeping with him behind his wife's back would be "unfair to his wife" and it wouldn't ever happen. "I just want to clarify again I will not be pursuing it. And even if he did become single I wouldn't be with him as I couldn't trust him," she added. "I'm so disappointed. He seemed like such a lovely guy and I've seen this whole other side of him with this. I look at him differently from how I used to. I'm shocked." This is the perfect example of someone walking around with her heart closed off. She's keeping a wall up from all those around her and words like disappointed and shocked are a dead giveaway. The only word to describe a married man approaching his single neighbor and letting her know that he's interested is stupid. It's not the brightest movie, which lets you know that it’s motivated by all the love he has to share. Love makes you do stupid things. Girlfriend wants to get back together with ex after hooking up with all her friends So far we've had a couple of pretty straightforward situations. This one is going to drag us out into some murky waters. A guy in his early 20s is having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that after his girlfriend broke up with him, she went a little wild. Now she wants him back, and he's trying to come to terms with all that went down while they were broken up. He says they were in a relationship for two years and had a great December together last year. When January rolled around, his girlfriend, who he calls Mary, hit him with the she "needed to work on herself" line. He explained on Reddit that the two broke up, but "did not go no-contact." Her friends started dragging her into their self-destructive habits like smoking and using inhalants at parties. It got to the point that he started distancing himself more from Mary and then hit her with the unfollow on social media. This move got Mary's attention. The next day she sent a text saying she wanted to talk. They had a phone call in which Mary said she regretted the break-up and wanted to get back together. He agreed to get back together so long as she dropped her bad habits. Everything was on track. His girlfriend had "worked on herself" and they were ready to live happily ever after. Start rolling the credits on these two, they're headed for the 2.5 kids, the dog, and the white picket fence. That was until the phone call continued and the part that is permanently burned into this guy's head. His ex revealed that just two weeks prior to their call she had slept with all of her friends. Well, maybe not all of them, but a number of them. She was drinking with her roommate, her roommate's boyfriend, and two other friends - one male and one female. Romance was in the air, one thing led to another, and they all decided to have an orgy. No big deal according to his ex. It was just a night of fun, which went against all that he had known about her up to that point. He said, "it directly went against what she claimed her values were in the first place." The fact that she has no regrets about doing it didn't help the situation at all. They talked again the following day and, while he was still open to getting back with her, he wanted her to limit contact with most of the people who participated in the night in question. She was offended by his suggestion and he was left looking for answers on how to move forward. He said, "How do I move forward from all this? I still love her, and from what I can tell she still loves me. We both see a future together." "But I just can't get the picture of her and her friends having sex together out of my head. I feel like it will hang over me forever, especially if she continues seeing these people regularly." This seems like a doomed relationship. It could very well end up crashing and burning. That is unless he can come to terms with the fact that this isn't the same woman he once dated. If he can find a way to do that, these two just might make it. They need to try, fail, and get back up. They could find themselves in a weird relationship with multiple partners or doing couples swaps regularly, but there's a happily ever after out there for them if they choose to embrace it. Married Mom: Should I Tell My Husband About The Adult Scene I Shot 20 Years Ago? On the subject of living happily ever after, last night I dove into a married mom trying to figure out if she should tell her husband about the adult scene she shot 20 years ago. Long story short, the mom filmed an adult scene before she ever met her husband. She never told him about it and has been worried that it might resurface ever since. She found it on a popular site and is worried someone might see it and tell her husband about it. I'm firmly team fun and adventure on this one and say that she should roll the dice and not come clean. Aaron from Wisconsin agrees. Team Roll The Dice!!! • Aaron from Wisconsin writes: Sean, The mom who shot the porn scene is a moron if she comes clean. The chances of her husband's acquaintances stumbling upon the clip is slim for a few reasons. 1. It's 20 years ago. I'm guessing she has changed looks enough to not be easily recognizable. 2. Who is going to admit they were watching porn, and found the clip. "Hey Bob, I was jacking off last night, and think I found your wife!" Not happening. 3. Unless there is a tattoo or some other easily identifying mark, I would deny, deny, deny. Nothing is gained by coming clean. SeanJo: I obviously agree completely with Aaron here. I took the view that rolling the dice added some excitement to your life, but it's also true that she gains nothing by coming clean. It's unlikely anyone that her husband knows is going to find the scene from 20 years ago. If they do, deny, deny, deny is one way to go. Married Mom: Should I tell my Husband • Howard writes: I could better answer whether or not the wife should tell the husband if you send a link to the clip done by the mom 20 years ago. Thanks SeanJo: I like where your head's at Howard. Unfortunately, I don't have a link to the clip. Remember this married mom is trying to keep her scene under wraps. She's not running around sharing that link on the internet. That's all for this week. Let me know what you think about how the married mom should proceed or if you want to weigh in on any of the other stories in this week's edition. Send me those comments or your own true romance stories at sean.joseph@outkick.com.