True Romance: Wife Into Hot Husbanding, Fiance Had A Child With Woman's Mom & Boyfriend Popped Wrong Question
There's no need to read this week's edition of True Romance with SeanJo in a candlelit room with slow jazz playing in the background. That might be your normal routine, or perhaps you prefer to draw a bath, turn the lights down low and let these stories take you on a journey.
None of that is necessary this week. It's the Fourth of July and there's the parade to get to, the grill to fire up, and the fireworks to enjoy. Hopefully, you took Friday off to recover.
This week we're going to put the normal routine aside. Don't worry, we can pick back up with our rituals next week. We're going to enjoy these stories in between flips of the burgers.

I want to hear from you. If you have a true romance story, if you want to comment, or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Send the emails my way at
Let's dive right into the action this week. First up is a wife who is into something called hot husbanding.
Wife is into hot husbanding
According to a wife and mother, hot husbanding is something where she allows her husband to sleep with other women and all she wants are the details of the encounters.
She doesn't necessarily need to watch or be present at the time. She just wants to be filled in on what goes down when her husband sleeps with another woman.
It's not cheating in her mind unless her husband becomes emotionally involved or sleeps with a woman without asking her first. That's why he's not allowed to hook up with anyone he knows well. That's on the list of rules.

(Image Credit: Getty)
The woman explained how it all works during an episode of Other People's Lives podcast. According to her, he can sleep with other women provided he follows the rules, but she's not allowed to do the same.
She explained, "It's a fetish of mine… The thought of me sleeping with another man makes him physically nauseous. He's like ‘I could not do that. I don’t have that type of fetish.'"
Call this a match made in heaven, because she completely understands that. She understands it and has no desire to sleep with other men either.
She wants him to go out, have a good time, then bring the details back to her. She wants to hear all about it and even sometimes re-enact those situations.
She added, "In my opinion, if he is emotionally invested in another female, that to me is cheating and would break my heart. I just couldn’t deal with that. But he can have sex with whoever he wants and that is not cheating to me as long as he has the permission."
She's a big believer in the separation of sex and love in the bedroom. They're in love and when he sleeps around there's nothing but sex going down.
Again, this sounds like a match made in heaven. It's the kind of love story that only those with an open heart are able to understand. It's not for everyone and I wouldn’t suggest trying to get your significant other into this type of thing, but it works for them and that warms the heart a little.
Woman finds out her fiance is her half-brother's dad
From hot husbanding to a story of cheating and betrayal that ended up with a unique family dynamic, to say the least.
A 24-year-old woman found out recently that her 25-year-old "whole package" of a fiancé, who she has been with since they were both teenagers, was keeping a secret from her.
Not only had he slept with her mother, but it turns out he's the mystery father of her 3-year-old half-brother. She was obviously not thrilled about the discovery.
"My fiance and I have been together since we were 17 and 18-years-old. Honestly, he was always kind, handsome, funny and everyone used to say I was so lucky to have the whole package," the woman explains, according to The Mirror.
She was a lucky woman. Or so she had thought. She had found a man who treated her with love and respect. She continued, "My dad died in an accident when I was little. My mom dated guys on and off and they were usually cool but nothing really passed the early stages."

(Image Credit: Getty)
Then, roughly four years ago, there was a surprise announcement from her 42-year-old mother. She was pregnant despite not having a steady boyfriend at the time. Mom didn't think she could get pregnant and said of the father that "he was super young" and the pregnancy was "an oopsie."
Mom was stressed and worried at the time. So, like a loving and caring daughter, she supported her mom during the tough time. She explained, "She then had my brother who is now three-years-old. I have a close relationship with my brother, I have helped take care of him since he was born and I just love the little guy."
Her fiance has helped out as well. He takes her little brother out for ice cream, to the playground, and the swimming pool. She didn't think anything of it until coming across some messages on her fiance's iPad during a night of binging Netflix.
That's when she found messages between him and her mother. They had discussed feeling guilty about cheating behind her back and the fact that she didn't know that he was her little brother's dad. There were also pictures of her mom pregnant on his iPad.
She waited for her fiance to get home later that night, and she confronted him with the iPad and the treasure trove of evidence. Reluctantly, he filled her in on the details. He had slept with her mom a couple of times. The first time had occurred while she was on a girls' trip with her friends.
They went out to dinner, one thing led to another, and he ended up sleeping with her mom. She explained, "They felt guilty but apparently not guilty enough because they slept together two or three more times, using the excuse of meeting up to discuss how to tell me."
"Apparently, when my mom got pregnant they stopped sleeping together and decided to not tell me, since my fiance 'loved me and couldn't lose me' and my mom didn't wanna lose her daughter."
This made her sick. She broke off the engagement and isn't talking to her mom. She's living with a friend and looking for a therapist to help her navigate the situation going forward.
So much for a happily ever after where they all live together as one big family. Maybe she'll come around and realize that having a half-brother that could also be a half-sibling with her own kids would make for some interesting stories down the road.
I have to say this is one of the few times I don't think things are going to work out. But there's always a chance that the ex and mom will turn this whole situation into a twisted tale of finding true love now that the obstacle to that true love has removed herself from the path.
I'm wishing them luck. Not as much luck as this next guy who popped the wrong question to his girlfriend.
Boyfriend popped the wrong question
A woman finds herself in a tough spot after her boyfriend popped the wrong question. She might have been hoping that her partner was going to drop to a knee and ask for her hand in marriage.
Unfortunately for her, that didn’t happen. Or maybe, fortunately for her, it didn’t happen, because the question that was asked was whether she would be open to having a threesome.
Talk about a miscalculation on both of their parts. It's a question that has been asked of her before and even ended her marriage when her ex-husband cheated on her when she refused to have a threesome.
It's a line that she's unwilling to cross. She's "explored everything intimately" with her boyfriend and it evidently hasn't been enough.

"I put down my boundary, and it kept coming up. I would say no and no and no," the woman said. "It is pushing me away and I don't know if I am in the wrong here. I am not turned on by this and I don't even know what to do anymore."
The boyfriend claims to feel "ostracized" by his girlfriend's unwillingness to have someone else join them in bed. She offered to break up with him so that he could go out and have his threesome, but he doesn't want to lose her over this.
Apparently, this guy isn't a reader of True Romance. If he was, he would know that while there is romance to be had in a threesome, it is often quite different from how he thinks this will all play out.
That said, she should go through with the threesome. Not so she can add the experience to her list of lifetime achievements, but so that she can teach him a lesson.
Head into it not as this guy's girlfriend, but as a woman ready for anything. Then run off with the person who joined in on the threesome. That will teach the boyfriend a valuable lesson about fantasy, reality, and matters of the heart.
That's enough romance for this holiday week. Enjoy the Fourth of July and all that surrounds it. I'll see you next week. Send over your stories of true romance, your comments, or your questions to