True Romance: Slot Machine Winner Says Women Looking For A Sugar Daddy, Ultimate Revenge & A Cruise Hook-Up
Welcome to the first edition of True Romance in the new year. Today we're reminded that not everything is what it seems. It's a complicated world out there, and sometimes you need to take what it gives you.
That couldn’t be more evident than with a Colorado gambling influencer who won a million dollars on a Las Vegas slot machine. He's looking for love, but can’t find it because women want a sugar daddy.
That could be a tough situation to navigate with the wrong approach. He's evidently on the wrong path as it sounds like he's assuming he can't find love with a woman seeking a sugar daddy.

That's downright silly. You have to be willing to take a chance every once in a while. You think a gambling influencer would understand that.
He could learn a thing or two from a woman who got the ultimate revenge on her cheating boyfriend. She rolled the dice big time and slept with the cheater's dad.
We finish out the week this week with an innocent cruise hook-up that turned out to be with a married man who was on the cruise with his family.
Slot machine winner looking for love, women want a sugar daddy
A Colorado gambling influencer by the name of Scott Richter won a million dollars playing the slot machines in Vegas, but hasn’t been able to hit the jackpot in love.
In addition to the winnings, he has more than 600,000 subscribers on YouTube, according to the NY Post, and goes by the name "Jackpot King." All of the success hasn’t translated away from gambling.
Women, he says, are looking for a sugar daddy. He admitted, "It’s hard knowing who you can trust with any relationship."
The 53-year-old father of two is looking for something more. He wants a relationship. He said, "Some [women] are probably looking for a sugar daddy or somebody to help them with their gambling, and that’s not really what I’m looking for in a relationship."

A slot machine winner is having a hard time finding love, says women want a sugar daddy. (Image Credit: Getty)
He added, "At times it can be difficult knowing who you can trust or who is genuinely there for you."
That does sound difficult, but is he cutting some possibilities out by assuming that all they’re looking for is a sugar daddy? My gut says yes and that's a mistake.
Take a chance. You’re not getting any younger. There are plenty of examples out there of the sugar daddy relationship turning into something more.
Put some money down on the table, spin the wheel, and see what happens.
You might just win and end up with someone out of your league who starts out looking for a sugar daddy and ends up in a full-blown relationship.
So she marries you, drains your account while you're together, then takes the rest when she divorces you. Think about the four and a half years before that all goes down.
Those will be some of the best years of your life.
Woman got ultimate revenge on cheating boyfriend by sleeping with his dad
Let's go from someone being a little too passive to someone being a little too aggressive. This is the "ultimate revenge" for dealing with a cheating boyfriend.
At the time, the 21-year-old woman had been dating her 23-year-old boyfriend for a year. Little did she know, he had been cheating for six months of their time together.
She had met her boyfriend's dad early on in their relationship and when she found out that her boyfriend was cheating, she reached out to dad for his help.
Upset and hurt, she came up with a plan. If her boyfriend wanted to go low, she was going to go lower. She said, according to the Daily Star, "I went to his father’s house, angry and wanting revenge. I explained the situation to Simon [boyfriend's dad], who said that he would help me with anything."

A woman got revenge on cheating boyfriend by hooking up with his dad. (Image Credit: Getty)
She added, "One thing led to another and I ended up asking Simon to have intimacy with me, to which he agreed."
When her boyfriend found out about the intimacy with his dad, he wasn’t happy. He called her all sorts of names, she broke up with him, packed his stuff, and kicked him out of her apartment.
The "he went low, she'll go lower" approach wasn’t a welcome one among their friends. Her boyfriend told their friends that she had slept with his dad and most of them took his side. Some called her a "whore" for doing so.
Everyone knows two wrongs don't make a right. But who among us wouldn’t want to exact some revenge on a cheating partner? Is it a blow below the belt to get that revenge by sleeping with a parent?
I'm sure in some rule books it is. There's an excellent way to avoid finding out and that's by not cheating in the first place. But if you do cheat, get caught, and then have your upset significant other sleep with one of your parents, you don’t go around telling your friends about it.
That was a move to try to get them on your side and some of them fell for it. What they should have done was grab some popcorn and listen to both of them try to justify their actions.
You don’t want to take sides here and risk losing out on one of your nutty friends and their I'll sleep with your dad for revenge stories. Those people are a good time.
Best of luck to all involved and who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a beautiful love story between the woman and her now ex-boyfriend's dad.
Cruise hook-up was married
We wrap up this week, as promised, on a cruise ship, where a woman's trip with her parents took a turn when they missed docking time in Cabo, and she got to hang out by herself for two days.
She confessed on Reddit that while her parents were catching up with the ship at its next stop, she met a guy at the jacuzzi.
She wrote, "I was on a cruise with my parents they miss the docking time in Cabo so they had to go to the next stop so l was alone for almost 2 days."

A woman found out after the fact that a man she hooked up with on a cruise was married. (Image Credit: Getty)
She added, "One of those day i went to the jacuzzi at night and met an older guy. We went to my room to have fun."
She didn’t know it at the time, but this guy wasn’t alone on this cruise. He was married. She found that out when she saw him again a couple of days after the night at the jacuzzi turned into some fun in her room.
She revealed in the comments that he wasn't on the cruise with just his wife either, he was there with family as well. No harm, no foul, right?
She didn’t know the guy was married when they hooked up. She didn’t set out to be a homewrecker. She was making the most of riding solo on the cruise is all.
It was an innocent encounter on her part. It could have happened to anyone. One of those "what happens at sea, stays at sea" deals.
A great way to drive home the reminder that not everything is what it seems. Not a bad start to the year if you ask me. Keep your heads on a swivel out there.
That's all for the first edition of 2025. Hopefully everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We'll pick things up next Thursday.
If you're running around hooking up with strangers on a cruise ship, I want to hear from you.
Feel free to send questions, comments, stories, and whatever else you like my way. The inbox is open