True Romance: Bride Bans Model For Being Too Hot, Affair Leads Wife's Friend To Ghost Her & Sad New Trend

Buckle up, we're back for the latest edition of True Romance with SeanJo. This week, as we did last week, we're going to be digging into claims of being too hot.

In last week's edition there were claims being tossed around that there was such a thing as being too hot to get cheated on. Those claims, of course, sound absurd, but we did the work anyway. And that's exactly what we plan to do this week.

The claims of being too hot this week come from a model who was banned from a wedding by the bride for "being too hot." What does this have to do with true romance? We'll unpack that.

From there, we're going to get into a messy situation involving a husband and his wife's best friend. Their affair led to the best friend ghosting the man's wife. He thinks he got away with it, others aren't so sure.

We wrap up the week of romance with an escort revealing a sad new trend among her clients. They're paying her just to hang out. A special thanks to the anonymous reader who sent this escort story my way.

Remember I want to hear from you. Whether it's stories, comments, or questions, send them my way, and we'll unpack them You can always do so anonymously. 

Too hot to attend a wedding

We're kicking things off this week with a story about a content creator/model who was banned from attending a wedding by the bride. The reason? She was too hot.

Sabrina Low, according to the NY Post, was uninvited from a wedding two weeks before the big day. She had already bought a dress and had a hairdresser and makeup person lined up.

Then the bride hit her up on WhatsApp and told her not to come.

"The bride explained that she was worried I might attract too much attention because of my slim frame," said Low, "and it wouldn’t look good for me to be beside her at the altar all the time."

Being hot isn't what it used to be. Nowadays, people use your hotness or "pretty privilege," as some refer to it, against you. You can't simply show up for a wedding these days. Not even if you're friends with the bride.

So what exactly does this have to do with true romance? Well, I'll tell you. It has nothing to do with the model, who was hurt by the bride revoking her invitation.

"I invested money, time and expectations in this event. It was very hard to accept that my presence could be seen in such a negative light, especially by someone I considered a close friend," she said.

"Losing all that [time and money] for something so superficial was a hard blow. This [situation has] made me rethink a lot about true friendship and what it means to be valued for who we really are, not for our appearance."

There it is. That's where the romance comes in. This is a huge red flag for the man marrying this bride. She's willing to toss her under the bus and back over her because her friend happens to be attractive.

Good luck putting together a few decades of wedded bliss with such a shallow person. It's not going to work. She has to be the focus of all eyes at her wedding and uninvited a friend in order to do so.

Run buddy. This marriage isn't going anywhere. She's out for herself no matter what. If you think the second you make one wrong move she's not hiring a divorce lawyer, you've got another thing coming.

The day a hot friend can't come to a wedding is a sad day for all involved.

I’m the reason why my wife’s best friend ghosted her.

From one diabolical story to another. This guy mistakenly believes he's pulled off the perfect crime, and he'll be able to live happily ever after.

Others don't see it that way, and how could you see anything but disaster heading this man's way?

The married man took to Reddit and explained that his wife's best friend ghosted her. His wife is having a hard time with the situation and, to make matters worse, he's the reason her friend ghosted her.

"She’s still hurting over her best friend ghosting her," he explains. "Long story short, her and I slept together during our separation. We had mutual feelings for each other. After my wife and I got back together, we still wanted to continue our affair."

Well, what do we have here? He's the reason his wife's best friend ghosted her because he had an affair with her, and he wanted to continue it. So, in other words, he's a really nice guy.

"We decided not to, and instead she decided it’s best that my wife and her not be friends anymore, so she ghosted her. I agreed with this decision," he continued.

"I feel so horrible for what I did, but I couldn’t stand the feeling of losing my wife and family. Her best friend and I haven’t and don’t plan to be in contact since."

Now that's a noble thing for him to do. He agreed with her best friend ghosting her and doesn't have any plans to ever contact the friend again. Case closed, these two live happily ever after.

What could possibly go wrong? Well the experts in the comment section had a few thoughts about how that might end up playing out.

"Oh you just wait buddy! This will circle back when you think everything is perfect and beautiful," one warned.

Another added, "This! It always happens when you think you've gotten away with it, at your happiest moments, or when you have the most to lose. I hope OP finds wisdom and does the right thing before he learns the hard way."

"I'm a firm believer that the truth will always come out. You reap what you sow. I hope karma comes back to bite OP and his AP when he least expects it," a third said. "If you want a good marriage, you don't keep secrets from the other partner."

All great advice from the commenters, but let's not pretend that this guy's a complete monster.

Yes, he slept with his wife's best friend, but they were separated at the time. And big deal he wanted to continue the affair. He's not going to. The friend simply vanished from their lives and all will go on as it always has.

If you don't think this guy is a good, loving husband, then you haven’t been paying attention. If he wasn’t, do you really think he would take the time to share this affair on a social media platform? That's what I thought.

Escort reveals sad new trend

I was hoping not to end this week on a sad note, but I don't think I have much of a choice. An anonymous reader sent this in with a subject that just read SAD.

It's about a high-class escort with more than a decade under her belt that has revealed a sad new trend in her line of work. Micki Daniels says, according to, that she's "not sleeping with, like, 80 percent of my clients."

80 percent? That sounds incredibly high. But she's the expert here. So, if she's not sleeping with her clients, what are they doing?

"No one would believe it but I’m not sleeping with, like, 80 percent of my clients. I have lots of bookings where men tell me they… just want to spend time doing other things," she explained.

Just hanging out is going to cost you. Daniels charges $1,300 per hour.

"A lot of men are afraid to be who they are, even in relationships with their wives or girlfriends. I don’t think the majority of men are comfortable in their own skin due to the pressures of society these days," she continued.

"Therefore, they seek comfort in an escort who won’t judge them and will accept them for who they are, as that’s what we do."

I told you this one was sad. I don't know how we got here, but this seems like a bad sign for society as a whole. All the effort put into being a distraction for these guys isn't easy work.

"I feel emotionally drained after almost every booking. As an escort, I give a lot of myself emotionally, and spiritually and mentally so they can have a good experience," she explained.

The 29-year-old is shining a light on a sad turn here, but she's not letting it get her down. She still shows up for work every day and still puts her all into her work.

That's all you can ask for. We'd be in an even bigger mess if this sad new trend took its toll on her, and she decided to call it quits. Where would we be then? Utopia? Think again.


That's another week in the books. I don't know about you, but I'm going to need a little bit to gather my thoughts after that last one.

I'll see everyone next Thursday. Send over your stories of true romance, your comments, or your questions to

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.