True Romance: Boob Obsession Ruining A Marriage, Man's Wife Used To Be His Brother's FWB & Polyphobia

It's Thursday and you know what that means, it's time for another stroll deep into the heavily wooded area we call True Romance.

It's easy to let your guard down while doing so, but I'd keep my head on a swivel this week. It doesn’t take much to throw you off the trail and off the trail is the last place you want to find yourself.

Leading off is the perfect example of someone who saw a shiny rock just off the trail then completely lost himself. His boob obsession is ruining his marriage and he might be too deep to save.

That doesn’t mean we're not going to try. I mean how bad could a boob obsession really be? We'll find out. We'll also get into a husband finding out a secret his wife and family had kept from him.

It turns out his brother had been in a friends with benefits situation with his wife several weeks before they started dating. More than 20 years later, the relationship finally came out.

That's some tough sledding right there. Is it tougher than having people turn their backs on you because of your polyamorous lifestyle?

Probably not, but we play the game on the field, not on a spreadsheet, so we'll take a deep dive into something the couple calls "polyphobia." Sounds made up, but again we play the game on the field.

Boob obsession ruining a marriage

Let's get into a man's boob obsession and how it could possibly approach anything that would be considered ruining a marriage. The couple is now in their mid-40s and have been together for 21 years after meeting in college.

So far, a not all that uncommon story of a couple meeting in college, falling in love, and getting married. They've been through good times and bad and are still together, although that has become more difficult recently.

The unidentified woman shared her story on Reddit and explained how an innocent question from her husband earlier in their marriage about if she would ever consider getting a boob job has snowballed over the years.

"Honestly I had, but back then in a small town it was frowned upon. Not to mention I worked with men in my technical job. We went several years without really discussing it until after kids. I actually brought it up and said I was very unhappy with my body. Of course he was very supportive and I had a boob job," she explains.

She went with an "ultra conservative" approach with the size and ended up being disappointed with the results. That led to a second boob job, and she was much happier with the results this time around.

Then her husband’s obsession started. He wanted her to go even bigger. It got to the point where he was saving pictures of women with outrageously sized boobs. We're talking 34DDD and bigger.

She was never a fan of that look and didn’t want to go bigger. He persisted for several years and "started showing me that there was a doctor that would put expandable implants in so you can slowly fill them up yourself overtime."

She eventually caved and that was only the beginning of things to come. She went with the "1,000cc expanders," which her husband was initially very happy with. She hated it.

The implants were not comfortable and when she eventually reached 1500ccs she had enough. His approach had become "the bigger, the better" while she had started to feel like a freak. She had a panic attack and has been able to put off filling up her expandable implants for the last three years.

During that time, her husband has gone deeper into the bigger, the better. He's now into the world's largest boobs territory - an unreal 20,000ccs.

It's all he wants to talk about and this has led to some major problems. She added, "He wants me to start filling up again and get on a schedule to be 20,000cc in 5 years. I went along with it because I love him and I did genuinely want bigger boobs. I do not want them any bigger!"

These two are going in opposite directions fast. I'd love to be on this guy's side, but he's gone way off the deep end. He's going to need to get some help coming back to reality or these two are going to end up calling it quits.

Letting a boob obsession get away from you to the point it's ruining a relationship is a sad state of affairs, but here we are. Let me know what you think here.

Is this all on the husband or does some blame fall on his wife here for initially going along with it?

Man learns his wife used to be his brother's friend with benefits

We're going from one relationship of 20 plus years to another. This one has a marriage facing issues not due to an obsession, but a secret that many kept from a man, including his own brother.

The man who learned of the secret more than 20 years after the fact is now in his mid-50s. He was shocked to find out that, prior to dating his wife, she had a relationship with his younger brother.

"I feel pain, violated, and almost irrationally angry that this ‘secret’ was common knowledge in my family, but I was clueless," the man wrote, according to the NY Post.

"My brother had a date(s) with my wife several weeks before we started dating. I never knew. They kept it a secret all these years. I realize it is ancient history, but we have had our marriage issues like every couple over the years."

The secret came out during a family dinner. His sister-in-law apparently let the cat out of the bag accidentally. When pressed for information, his brother revealed the truth about the relationship.

"They were intimate/smashed regularly. More than a ‘few’ times. Was more FWB [friends with benefits], close down the street where they lived. I guess both were busy horny young professionals," the husband said. "Who wasn’t [when they were] in their twenties?"

Finding out about the relationship isn't the issue here for the husband. It happened before he was with his wife, although he admits it "feels weird" knowing that his wife and brother hooked up.

The issue is keeping it a secret for so long. He's now questioning the future of his marriage and the two aren’t on the best of terms after he found out about it. 

"My wife won’t pick up the phone. I already had trust issues from things she has done in our relationship in her mid-40’s," he admitted. "My wife and I already sleep apart."

What's a family secret involving your wife and your brother? It could be worse, right? The two could have had an affair while you were married. They didn’t do that.

They had a friends with benefits situation is all, and it was before you were together. I could be wrong, but to me, it sounds like the husband is overreacting.

So there was a secret that everyone else knew and you didn’t. Maybe they didn’t tell you because you would get all bent out of shape and throw away your marriage. Pull yourself together, you're in your mid-50s.

Couple dealing with "polyphobia"

If you thought that a boob obsession and learning that your brother was your wife's friend with benefits were tough to navigate, try dealing with "polyphobia."

This next married couple finds themselves in that situation. They even have trolls telling them they will go to hell for their lifestyle. That doesn't sound like an ideal situation.

Neither is being removed from the wedding invite list, which has apparently happened to these two. They've decided, as other couples have before them, that they're not going to live by the constraints of monogamy.

That has come at a price. Friends aren't inviting them to their weddings because they are afraid that the polyamorous lifestyle will rub off. Who knows what would happen at those weddings if it did.

"We are constantly victims of ‘polyphobia’," the wife said, reports the Daily Star. "[Judgemental comments] have become part of our daily life. Phrases like ‘you’re going straight to hell’ are common. Attacks [have] intensified [since we started posting more about free love online]."

If only there was a way for them to live their lives in peace. They're not hurting anyone with their approach. They're just living their lives.

"People who were [once] close to us have even stopped inviting us to their weddings because of the prejudice. They believe our lifestyle will ‘contaminate’ their relationships," she continued.

Their own wedding didn’t go off without a hitch. The original photographer they hired found out through social media that they promoted free love and told them they would have to find someone else.

He didn't "support promiscuous marriages." They didn’t let that experience keep them down. They moved forward, tied the knot, and "polyphobia" or not, they were going to lean into free love.

There's a lot to take away from this one. The first thing is that it's a beautiful thing when you've found "the one." These two have done that. They've found "the one" for each other that likes to go find another one.

That's half the battle. Another of the more important takeaways from these two is that you can hate on them all you want, it's not going to change who they are.


What a positive note to go out on. That's it for this week. It was a tough one to get through with an open heart, but we did it. From boob obsession to friends with benefits and polyphobia, I think we learned a lot.

Send questions, comments, stories, and whatever else you like my way. The inbox is open

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.