I Have To Destroy Travel Ball Scumbag Fraud Alyssa Milano Again

Guys, it's Friday, I planned on coasting into the weekend, but it just wasn't meant to be. 

Travel ball scumbag Alyssa Milano made a few headlines this week on Twitter thanks to one of the engagement farming accounts that constantly pops up in your "For You" feed. 

In the video being passed around, Milano is on The View in 2022 lecturing Elon Musk what he should be doing with his money. 

"You buy Twitter to destroy it ... Imagine if he donated that money to UNICEF. He would change the world. There would be no hunger!" Milano told the old hags on The View. 

This is a good time to remind everyone how, back in January, super lib Milano was BEGGING people via a GoFundMe to pay for her son and his teammates to go to Cooperstown, New York for a 12U travel ball tournament. 

"America, we have a problem," I wrote.

"I have pleaded with people over and over to stop with one of the ugliest forms of adult behavior known to man during these modern times: Begging others to fund your kid, or kids', travel sports ambitions.

"Stop being able-bodied begging losers acting like you're 115 pounds of dripping wet skin and bones in a Depression-era breadline."

The woman who could've paid the team's bill herself, who told Musk he should pay to solve world hunger, BEGGED people to send those boys to Cooperstown. 

I watched a couple of weeks ago on Instagram Story as Milano's son and his teammates played in that tournament after mom raised $15,000, including a generous donation from OutKick founder Clay Travis to push the fundraiser to its $10,000 goal, which she ignored and allowed even more money to be raised. 

The boys played baseball, destroyed several teams, somehow obtained special access to a Mets game and had a great time in their high-end uniforms. 

Milano's fundraiser (she goes by her married name of Bugliari on GoFundMe) is still active. She's still begging for money, but now she's changed the fundraiser to a team "travel fund." 

Alyssa Milano doesn't have the money to pay for her son's team to go to Cooperstown!

The libs say Hollywood just doesn't pay like it used to. Alyssa doesn't have the money to just throw around travel ball cash, they claim. 

"Given the pay disparity in Hollywood and the amount of money that goes to actors’ teams, being a Hollywood actress does not automatically mean one is wealthy," one site wrote Friday

"Yet, conservatives began spreading lies that Milano is a multi-millionaire and should’ve singlehandedly paid the expenses for her son’s entire team."

That's not what we said, morons. 

Milano was begging for $10k. She could sign autographs at some nerd comic convention for a few hours and cover that cost. Instead, she acted like a complete loser and started a GoFundMe and then tweeted out a link to that fundraiser. 

Elon Musk and Alyssa Milano don't give a shit about you, solving world hunger or anything else they claim to care about

Do you think Alyssa Milano sat there in Cooperstown a few weeks back and reflected on all those people who donated to her son's travel baseball team? 

She didn't. 

She sat there in the stands thinking about how big of a hero she is to the travel ball team for raising $15,000 and how much power comes with that power move. 

These freaks care about power, money, more power, love and admiration from their fans and how to keep the dopamine running through their veins.

Milano's Instagram bio says she's an "Entrepreneur." 

It doesn't say, "Solving world hunger." 


Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.