Transgender Professor Calls Israelis 'Pigs' And Hopes 'They Rot In Hell,' Later Claims Feelings Weren't Real

Mika Tosca wants people to believe a wildly anti-Semitic rant shouldn't be taken seriously.

Tosca, whose website states the biological man is 'an out and proud transgender scientist,' is a professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and has some VERY wild thoughts about Israelis in the aftermath of Hamas slaughtering more than 1,400 innocent people in Israel.

Instead of not jumping on the internet to share incredibly offensive thoughts, Tosca cut loose with one of the most anti-Semitic rants we've ever seen. It sounds like it could have come right out of Berlin in the 1930s.

Mika Tosca calls Israelis "pigs" and worse.

"Israelis are pigs. Savages. Very very bad people. Irredeemable excrement. The propaganda has been downright evil. After the past week, if your eyes aren't open to the crimes of humanity that Israel is committing and has committed for decades, and will continue to commit, then I suggest you open them. It's disgusting and grotesque. May they all rot in hell," Tosca wrote on their Instagram story.

You can see a screenshot from @StopAntisemities below.

Mika Tosca claims the rant wasn't real.

Well, Tosca is now attempting to walk back the disgusting claim that Israelis are "pigs" who all deserve to "rot in hell."

"Yesterday I wrote some things on my Instagram story that I unequivocally reject and do not stand behind. I am deeply sorry for writing what I wrote, and for hurting many people with my words, and I am especially sorry to Israeli people that I broadly placed at fault for the war," Mika wrote, in part, Wednesday in an all-time stunning turnaround from the previous position.

Tosca went from being wildly anti-Semitic by calling Israelis "pigs" and "irredeemable excrement" and more to claiming they don't believe any of that in a single 24-hour window.

I believe the saying, "When people show you who they are, believe them" might apply here. Hard to believe someone went from hoping Israelis rot in hell to claiming it wasn't a serious opinion in the timespan of a single day.

Are you buying that? I'm not, but certainly give me your thoughts at

School of the Art Institute of Chicago denounces Tosca's post.

OutKick has reached out to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago to see if Tosca will face any punishment over the insane post. At this time, it's unclear if there will be consequences or not.

However, the school did call Tosca's views "hateful" and "repudiates" what was shared to the world, according to The New York Post.

"Those views are not reflective of the School or the values we as a community share," a school official claimed.

It's also worth noting that Tosca, who proudly boasts of being transgender, seems to be supporting the side that would kill the professor without a second of hesitation. Is Hamas open to transgender people? Absolutely not, and the same can be said for all surrounding Middle East countries. Being transgender and being against Israel in the war against Hamas is like a cow cheering for the butcher.

Check back to OutKick for any updates we might have on this story as they roll in. For now, it appears Tosca is selling an excuse nobody is dying.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.