Topless Maid Receives A Huge Tip For Mowing Grass For One Of Her Clients Without A Top On
Sammi, the topless maid from Florida, is back. The success of a video she shared last month on TikTok breaking down her earnings for a hard day of cleaning houses topless has her taking to the video sharing app and sharing more about her line of work.
In her initial video, Sammi put in five hours of back breaking work with her girls free and walked away with $2,230. As she revealed in the clip, that wasn't all profit. She has a security guard who takes home 35% by sitting out in the car in case anything inappropriate goes down.

Topless maid expanding her services (Image Credit: Sincerely Sammi/Instagram)
"So many of you want to know how much I make in a day as a topless maid," she said in the clip. "Today I cleaned five houses and I charge $300 an hour."
She continued, "And I have a security guy who sits out in the car and waits for me just in case something happens. And he gets 35% of what I make."
Sammi has since added other videos breaking down what kind of money can be made lightly cleaning homes topless. She's also revealed some requests that go beyond her normal services.
Like a request one of her clients had just last week. Sammi said she ended up on a 50 acre farm in the middle of nowhere and wasn't asked to clean the farmer's home.
The farmer instead wanted her to mow the grass in one of his pastures topless. Now before your mind runs wild, she wasn't using a push mower. This a fully functioning farm, complete with a tractor.
All the topless maid had to do was lose her top, receive a quick lesson in operating a tractor, then mow some grass for an hour.
It's Hard Work But Someone Has To Do It
Sammi says of the unique request, "This man pulled up a lawn chair. Right outside of the gate of where the pasture was and sat his ass down there with his ice tea and watched me mow his pasture, with a tractor, with my titties out."
The job took her less than an hour to complete. The farmer was pleased with the work and Sammi, although slightly sunburned on her back was also happy with the service she provided.
The farmer forked over her $300 hourly rate as well as an $800 tip.
Taking home $1,100 for an hour of riding a tractor around is a decent way to expand on the topless maid business. The best part for Sammi is, she's already been booked for next month for another topless mowing session.
That's getting the mowing season off to a hot start. I'll have to check with the commissioner on whether outsourcing the duties to a topless maid is within the rules of the league.
Even if it's determined that he's violating the rules I'd say this farmer has figured a few things out. That disposable income isn't going to spend itself. And when Loretta is out of town with her family she doesn't have to know what's going on at the farm.