Tony Romo Was A Disaster On Sunday, Heidi Klum And Daughter Leni Pose In Lingerie & SNL Takes Aim At Kamala

Is my backyard a war zone right now from last week's hurricane? Sure is. Am I dreading having to deal with insurance here in a few days when the dust settles? You betcha! 

Did I lose literally all my money this weekend gambling? Of course. Am I sleeping three hours a night? If it's a GOOD night!

But none of that matters today. It's all hogwash, because folks, it was in the mid-60s (!!!) this morning in Central Florida. You wanna know what the high is on Wednesday? 


Nope, that ain't shtick. It's not just for the sex joke. That's actually the high temperature on Wednesday. Sixty-nine! 

We made it. We've suffered through a billion hurricanes in the past few weeks – and another possibly on the way – our yards are in shambles, our insurance premiums are about to go through the roof next year … but it doesn't matter on this second Monday of October. 

Fall has finally arrived in Florida, and we're about to have a big week. 

On that note, welcome to a Monday Nightcaps – the one where we dive into another big Sunday for Tony Romo and go from there. Sad. Tony had a solid start to the year, but the internet tells me he wasn't at his best yesterday in Baltimore. We'll see. 

What else? I've got Saturday Night Live actually being funny in 2024 because they've turned on Kamala Harris, the best of the rest from a juggernaut of a weekend, the Klums stop by, and NFL WAG Gia Duddy continues to put on a content clinic as Will Levis turns to dust in Tennessee. 

Whew. What a menu!

Grab you a map for Columbus Day – which is today! – and settle in for a Monday 'Cap!

Saturday Night Live may be on the comeback trail

Incredible. She's amazing, if we're being honest. That clip is a few years old, but it's obviously resurfaced today because today is the day we all used to celebrate like Christmas growing up, but now sweep under the rug because ol' Chris got himself CANCELED post-mortem a few years back. 

Seriously, think about it. When I was a kid, we actually got Columbus Day OFF. I can remember going through preschool and grade school learning all about Christopher Columbus and the Pinta, Nina & Santa-Maria. 

Now? You can't even so much as MENTION him without getting a nasty look. It's wild to me. And by the way, this isn't a history lesson to start class. I don't care about Columbus and don't care to get into the weeds of what he did or didn't do. Truly, I don't. I'm just pointing out how times have changed. 

PS: that Kamala Harris clip is the most Michael Scott thing I have ever seen:

I mean, it's uncanny. Seriously, they are the same person! Wild. 

Anyway, Happy Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day/Discoverers’ Day, which is apparently what it's now called in Hawaii. See? And you thought you weren't gonna learn anything in today's class!

We're nothing if not educational around here. 

Now, while we're on the topic of our current VP … did anyone catch SNL this past weekend? I don't blame you if you didn't, because it's been insufferable the past few years (decade). BUT, I'm here to tell you … I think they may be on the rebound. 

It seems that they've actually gone back to making fun of everyone, and not just a certain former president. And you know what? It actually … works!

Weird how that happens. 

What a weekend!

Amazing. I can't believe SNL is actually doing it. They're LISTENING! I never thought I'd see the day again when that show was actually funny and not just an insufferable mouthpiece for Democrats, but it appears we've reached it. 

There's been a pretty major turn the past few weeks when it comes to the election, but I'm admittedly still nervous. I remember 2020. I was awake all night. I know how south these things can go in a hurry. 

But, there's some real momentum for Trump right now. Please, for the love of God, keep him focused for three more weeks. Please. We're begging you. Just this one time. 

OK, let's get to the best of the rest from a big weekend of content!

Tony Romo had a tough Sunday, roommate wanted & Gia Duddy takes us home

Can't believe it's been 11 years since David Ortiz delivered that moment. I was there. Right there, actually, a few rows up from the cop. Probably the greatest sports moment I've ever been part of. I've never seen anything like it. Still haven't. 

God, October baseball at Fenway is so electric. Maybe one day we'll get there again. 

OK, rapid-fire time on this second-Monday-of-October, because I've got more giant ass tree limbs to take a chainsaw to like Jason Vorhees. 

First up? Nightcaps OG Tony Romo had a TOUGH Sunday afternoon in Baltimore. 

Whooooooof. The Redskins thing was funny, though. Jim Nantz just making sure to not say a single word for 20 seconds just in case HR got a call today was a great move. 

As for the other stuff? Yikes. He really cannot go one single game without mentioning Pat or Josh, huh? It's amazing. Guy is consistent, if nothing else. 

There was also a moment late in the game when the Ravens needed one yard to ice it, and Tony went, "lining up for a Henry run to the right to end the game," and then Lamar Jackson proceeded to fake it and run to the left. 

It was perfect. What a game!

Next? Anyone looking for somewhere to crash this fall?

Amazing. But you know what? The more I think about it, the less angry I am at this listing. Most people on the internet are furious at these renters, calling them horrific people with no regard for human life. 

I think I disagree. Remember, we zig while everyone else zags around here. At least this listing is honest. Could you imagine if it didn't say any of this, and THEN you signed the lease? You'd be horrified, and also stuck. At least with this, you know exactly what you're signing up for. 

In my mind, if you sign this lease after reading it through from cover to cover, then you get what you get. 

I respect people who are straightforward. These two Brits may be insufferable, but at least they're honest about what they want. Frankly, if they find someone dumb enough to actually sign this thing, then it's an absolute STEAL for them. Win-win. 

Finally, let's check in with Will Levis' ex, Gia Duddy, because she's been on an absolute content HEATER the past week or so. 

Will, on the other hand … well, he stinks now. 

The Klums take us into a big week!

Welcome back to class, Gia! Amazing what could've been had Will not fumbled this bag. Feel like Gia Duddy was on the path to being an all-time NFL WAG great, and she could very well still be one day. 

But right now, she's just the one that got away. 

OK, that's all for today. Let's go have a big week. 

Take us home, Heidi and Leni! Nothing weird going on here at all. 

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

You listen to Romo yesterday? Email me at

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.