Titans Sales Executive Mary-Kate Wichalonis Gets Arrested At Nashville Bar

Just five months after starting a job as a Tennessee Titans Inside Sales Executive, Instagram model Mary-Kate Wichalonis already has a Nashville mugshot after being arrested at a Broadway bar. 

According to a police report obtained by Scoop Nashville, Wichalonis was arrested on a public intoxication and assault charge after the incident at the Dierks Bentley-branded bar. Security at the bar tells the Metro Nashville Police Department that Mary-Kate tried to sneak her boyfriend into the bar and became combative when security tried to remove her from the property. 

The report states that the new Titans employee, who has over 30,000 Instagram followers, struck a security guard six times in the head. 

When police asked the University of Georgia grad, who was a member of Tri-Delta, about the incident, she admitted to attempting to sneak her boyfriend into the bar because he'd lost his ID, according to the report obtained by Scoop. 

Here's where things get interesting and Mary-Kate made a possibly fatal mistake. When cops asked for her fingerprints, she refused. Scoop reports that Mary-Kate "qualified" for a citation, but once she refused to give her fingerprints, the mood changed.

Boom, you're going to the Davidson County Jail. Mary-Kate was hauled downtown and now there's a mugshot and social media posts flying. 

Here's where things could get interesting: This might actually be really good for Mary-Kate and the Titans. She's going to go viral. The New York Post will write about her. The Daily Mail will do a post. The rest of the Euro tabloids will jump on the Mary-Kate is a bad girl bandwagon and she's going to get some run. 

Her name is going to be gold around Nashville. 

Her mom is Kim Wichalonis, a University of Tennessee graduate who's a personal injury lawyer in Georgia. They're going to get Mary-Kate off the charges, this will get cleaned up and it's my belief that the 20-something will be MORE valuable after this. 

The Titans need to move tickets. She can clearly move tickets and move the needle. 

I'm suggesting the Titans let this one play out. Sure, there will be a surge of headlines and local TV stations will splash Mary-Kate across the 6 p.m. newscasts, but things will die down and then she can get back to work. 

Mary-Kate is clearly a party. There were clearly going to be possible missteps along the way. It just happens this came five months after they hired her. 

Don't fire Mary-Kate! The Internet needs more like her. 

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.