TikTok Veterinarian Goes Viral With List Of Dog Breeds He Wouldn't Own
Are you a vet looking to go viral on TikTok? Just film yourself ranking the top five dog breeds you wouldn't own videos and it's game-on in the viral world.
Two months after TikTok veterinarian Whitney Terrell went viral with her ridiculous list of dog breeds she wouldn't own, TikTok veterinarian Ben the Vet is here with his own list and this guy takes a much different approach from that of Whitney.
While Whit based her list on health issues and behavior, she went after Doodles and named them the top breed she wouldn't own clearly out of shock value.
Ben the Vet kept things fair and balanced and seems to provide legitimate reasoning for his top five list.
Ben the Vet's top five breeds he wouldn't own:
5. Chows (temperament issues; aggressive; eye problems)
4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (heart disease; terrible deaths, heart failure; high probability of disease)
3. Dachshund (1 in 4 will develop back problems; too much potential for heartbreak)
2. Shar Pei (too wrinkly, causing skin issues, often trying to bit Ben the Vet's staff)
1. French Bulldogs, pugs and other dogs with smashed faces making breathing difficult
"Society has normalized the fact that these dogs snorting means that they can't breathe very well," Ben the Vet says. "There are specimens of these dogs that are healthier than others but they are so prone to so many problems -- spinal issues, skin problems, eye problems.

A French Bulldog lounging around at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on February 10, 2020. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
"The fact that over half of them have to have a cesarean to give birth is enough of an ethical issue for me to never want one. If you're OK with that, that's fine, but for me personally, it's not very fair."
Unlike Whitney the Vet's video, most people in Ben the Vet's comment section were understanding of his answers due to his explanation of why he wouldn't own the breed.
"Big respect for talking about these! Cavalier and English Bulldogs are already banned in Norway cos of health issues," one person commented.
"I have a Frenchie and I love her to bits. But I agree, I wouldn’t get another one. The breathing issues are sad to watch," wrote another.