Tiffani Amber Thiessen Celebrates 50th Birthday In Bed, All-You-Can-Drink Vegas Super Bowl Deal & A DFW Parking Lot Scuffle

Thank you to those who told me they liked the Mary Lou Retton piece

Here's the piece people are talking about: "The Libs Are Coming for Mary Lou Retton."

I didn't donate to Mary Lou's uninsured fundraising efforts led by her daughters because this woman was barely breathing, but as I've mentioned, now I'm thinking about sending Mary Lou a get better card and a $20 bill like my grandmother would send me when I was sick.

The minute we start hounding American icons like Mary Lou over donations that Americans chose to send to this woman is the minute I have a problem with the scumbags hounding this woman. If Mary Lou Retton ripped off my $20, it would actually be an honor.

I'd say she's given Americans $20 in symbolic value over the years.

• Chris B. in Houston says:

I did not donate to Mary Lou.  Regardless it's nobody's business what insurance she does or doesn't have, what hospital she was in, or how she spent whatever money.  She doesn't owe anyone anything. 

• Tom from Atlanta writes:

That story about Mary Lou is sad...I didn't follow her, didn't know she was sick, but people loved her, and if they want to give her money, that is their business. What whacko people go after her for that? 

Anyway, I graduated HS in 1984, so the summer Olympics had the "When the US Wins, You Win" promotion. One of my buddy's sisters worked at the McDonald's near our neighborhood, and I guess they had basically zero accounting because he had stacks and stacks of those scratch-off cards that had already been redeemed and they didn't have a way to cancel them.

I just remember that summer heading to the panhandle of Florida hitting McD's everywhere... And, when you turned in a card, you got a new one...truly amazing that 6 of us ate for free for the summer trip we took. 

Anyway, we loved Mary Lou Retton because of that promotion...Big Mac after Big Mac thanks to her. And a huge thank you to the Russian bloc for boycotting. Anyone else remember that promotion?

• Joe St. A. in California writes:

Anytime you make a donation, no matter how much, it is just that, a donation.

Don’t ever expect to see it again, period! These Uber Libs are the dredges of society and are just looking for something to be upset about. Was it Henery Ford that said: “You will always find what you are looking for.”?

I didn’t donate to Mary Lou but I wish I had after seeing this BS. Keep up the good work.

• Jim T. in San Diego says:

F'ing busybodies don't know voyeurism from journalism ....

Did you see all the layoffs at the L.A. Times on Tuesday?

At least 115 workers were sent packing.

As I wrote about the Sports Illustrated layoffs/firings, and my career in Saturday Screencaps, it's eat or be eaten.

The L.A. Times laid off a Pulitzer winner.

If she didn't have a massive email list built up and ready to go after a potential layoff, that's on her. If she didn't have a backup plan for a potential layoff, that's on her. If she thought her Pulitzer was job security, she was wrong.

I'm telling you right now, if your son or daughter has chosen to go into media and they're not hustling, you need to have them email me. Let me save them. I will even consult for free because you're a Screencaps reader.

Let me give them the bad or good news. I know they're not going to listen to mom and dad.

If you're working in media and NOT living below your means, godspeed.

When I drive the 18-year-old Pontiac G6 around town in the winter while the new Camry sits in the garage staying warm (yes, I take it out to keep the muscles loose), people look at me like I'm crazy.

No, I'm not crazy, I just work in digital media. Always have a backup plan, new college grads.

Let's cheer it up around here and check in with the Ts!

• Mike T. found a beer delivery guy in Sevilla, Spain. Screw the media jobs. This looks like fun:

• Mike T. also wants to show off the olive bar:

This Bro has a stall to sell for olives, all kinds of olives as soon as you enter the Mercado in Cadiz. Stuffed olives, garlic olives mixed olives! You mane the olive he’s got it, along with smoked meats.

When you have a beer in Spain it’s traditional to have green olives with your beer!


Rick Steeves can suck it. For my money, there isn't a better travel duo than Mike T. and Cindy T. They know what we want to see on a daily basis. With Anthony Bourdain gone, it's Mike T. and Cindy T's world to show us.

They get us.

Why didn't people smile in family photos from the 1950s and further back?

Mrs. Screencaps shared a photo of her mom's family from the 1950s and how everyone had a blank stare. Our kids noticed the stares and lack of smiles. That's when we started fielding questions about why the family wasn't smiling.

I get that in the 1800s it took a long time to take a photo so people didn't want to screw it up.

Screencaps has readers who weren't smiling in photos in the 1950s. Explain what was going on and when the smiling started. Help these millennials and Gen Zs understand what it was like before all this "1...2...3...say Instagram" crap with all these fake smiles for social media photos.

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

It's always good to hear from the Screencaps lifers who have been with the column for years

• Sean C. in Granger, IN (who has the TNML license plate) writes:

I know it's been a while since I've emailed. Trust me, I'm still reading every day. But finding time to sit down to construct an email has been a challenge lately.

You hit on a couple things lately that caught my attention recently.


'Who do you consider to be the most insufferable fanbase in all of sports, pro or college?'

Nate T. asked this question.


Insufferable: (/inˈsəf(ə)rəb(ə)l/) too extreme to bear; intolerable.

Well, Nate, as an Ohio State fan, right now it has to be Michigan fans, but that's how this works when a rival finally tastes success. Now I am forced to deal with this head-on because of how close I live to the Michigan border.

Ryan Day thought it was cute to be a huge pussy and not go for a 4th down from the Michigan 46 or whatever it was. And because he's a huge pussy, he now finds himself with a sense of urgency after Michigan won the national title.

It's up to Day to change the narrative or hit the road.

A Lions fan who doesn't know how to feel right now

• Chris H. in Greensboro, NC writes:

I turn 60 in March and my first sports memory is watching my Lions playing the New Orleans Saints in 1970 with my older brothers when I was six years old. The Lions were ahead with 3 seconds to go, we were excited for a rare victory and then the Saints trotted out a fat guy missing half his foot to try a game winning field goal from 63 yards.  

Keep in mind “soccer style” hadn’t entered the NFL scene yet so George Blanda and all others kicked straight-on so even a 50-yard FG was very rare. 

Lo and behold Mr. Tom Dempsey kicked that pigskin 63 1/2 yards over the crossbar and I was baptized into the sports version of Hell that has defined being a Lions fan for almost 60 years. I ran into our dining room and cried for two hours sitting under the dinner table. 

The number of examples of “Dempsey lite” losses in my lifetime are far too many to re-create here.  Suffice to say, this magical year is beyond anything I can fathom.  The general theme of texts with fellow Lions fans these past few weeks is “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel”!

Thank you Dan Campbell, Brad Holmes and this incredible team….we don’t know how to feel but we love the feeling!

That's all for this morning. It's cloudy, the kids are on another delay, but there aren't contractors in the house this morning. It feels like it's going to be a good day. Let's get after it.

Go dominate that Zoom call. Go dominate that sales meeting. Go deliver that beer. Go make that money. Go build that backup plan (if you work in media).

No matter what you do, go have a great day.

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.