The Top 5 'Once You Start You Can't Stop' Movies You Find When Scrolling On Cable
Welcome to sports purgatory everyone, the worst two weeks of the sports calendar as we wait for a Super Bowl matchup that many people don't even want but at least it's football. And in the meantime - we struggle with the reality that football's going away until next fall.
Sure, there is the Pro Bowl's flag football, skills contest, whatever they are doing with it once again this year. Just how pumped are people on that? This morning on an OutKick editorial call, not one of us knew when the Pro Bowl even was or what the exact format would be this year. Not ideal.
NBA? Please. College basketball? Talk to me in March I would never.
So I’m sure many of you were like me – helplessly scrolling through the channels (shout out to the real ones who still have cable and didn’t sell out for streaming only!) desperately trying to find SOMETHING to watch.
Which got me wondering – what are the best movies to catch midway through and are must-watch? Heat up some popcorn, crack open a bottle because here we go.
National Treasure is a perfect example of a movie that you can just keep on anytime it’s on. Sure, the concept is a little gimmicky – seeing Mr. Plugs himself Nicolas Cage run around and steal the Declaration of Independence, but honestly this is a perfect “I’m hungover and waiting for my Chinese food delivery,” movie to watch. Seriously, it was on last night and I ended up sitting and watching it for 90 minutes. Hell, I’d argue that BOTH National Treasures – including the second one “Book of Secrets,” are solid watches. As someone who loves America, there’s something cool about learning more of our history – and that whole Freemason ‘treasure hunter’ vibe.
I have no idea why they haven’t released a third National Treasure yet – God knows it’d be better than the majority of films that have been released in recent years that’s for sure. Just don’t release another television series based off of it – that thing stunk.
Do I include the line?
Ah, why not. If you don’t think A Few Good Men is a top 5 "once you start you can’t stop film" then ‘You can’t handle the truth!”
It is WILD that this movie came out in 1992 and still resonates and holds up in true classic form. It doesn’t matter what age you are or how many times you’ve seen it – between Tom Cruise, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and Jack Nicholson you are in for one heck of a movie. Sure, it’s more of the serious film to turn on – but it’s a downright classic that will have you asking our wife “Did you order the Code Red?!” while ordering the Chinese food delivery.
When I tell you that I know EVERY single line from this movie, whew.
I have seen Independence Day way too many times to count and I'm happy to report that we beat the aliens every time. I was in my early teens when it was released and when it finally made its way to HBO or Showtime or whatever, I had also just figured out closed captioning on my television – which was always on because I wanted to try and learn song lyrics on MTV. So, between that CC on the screen and Independence Day being played nonstop for an entire year, even the aliens wouldn’t dare come back to mess with me.
For those that don't remember, the blockbuster film actually transformed Will Smith into a movie star and away from his Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stereotype. Independence Day led into Men In Black which led into Wild Wild West (not as funny of a movie but still had that annoying song that was all over radio) Unfortunately for Smith, he lost his touch of punching out aliens when he decided to opt for slapping Chris Rock instead at the Oscars.
All is well though because Bill Pullman speech as President Whitmore rallying up the troops and saying “We’re going to live on, we’re going to survive… Today we celebrate our Independence Day!” I mean let’s gooo! Also shout out Jeff Goldblum because it’s Jeff Goldblum.
No description necessary. It’s Office Space, that’s all you need to know.
This classic can usually be seen on Comedy Central on Saturdays and it is a must watch anytime it's on. The film that anybody that works in the cubicle life can relate to is full of one-liners galore and you are lying to yourself if you don’t crack up every single time you see Milton on the screen. Next time it’s on just look at actor Stephen Root’s mannerisms when he portrays Milton - especially during the cake scene. Everyone else gets one except him? My God it’s hilarious.
Yes, I realize it’s two movies but I make the rules here damnit.
Not a weekend goes by that one of these movies isn’t on TNT, TBS, FreeForm or some cable channel. Like clockwork, you can always count that it’ll be on somewhere and it's gonna rule. And although I prefer Step Brothers to Wedding Crashers 60% to 40% of the time, it’s not like I’m NOT gonna watch Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson dominate weddings (and funerals) for 2 hours of chaotic laughter. Plus a gorgeous Rachel McAdams absolutely raising the bar for future brides everywhere? Come on now! And you can’t forget Christopher Walken or great one-liners like “The painting was a gift, Todd – I’m taking it with me!”
Meanwhile we all know that Step Brothers is an absolute classic. It’s the ultimate go to film to turn on when there’s nothing else on TV. You'll see it as you're scrolling and then be like "let me just see if there's anything else on..." and when there inevitably isn't, you're going to go back to Step Brothers because it's your comforting safe space. And even if you’ve seen it 500 times, you’re still able to get a laugh from the bunk bed scenes, the drumset, the “Wide.. Worldwide…” boat rap scene and more. Hilarious through and through.
So there you have it – Five movies that still to this day will grab your attention no matter if it’s 5 minutes in or 55 minutes into it on cable.
The list was tougher than I thought – definitely some honorable mentions like “Star Wars,” which seems to be on all the time these days. My Cousin Vinny is a good one to play in the background when you’re bored. Old School and Die Hard with a Vengeance are two classics as well but I'm sticking with my list.
But you have mine – what are your Top 5 must-stop and finish movies?
Comment below and tweet me @TheGunzShow