'The Karate Kid' Debuted 40 Years Ago Today. It's Official, We're All Old

Do you want to hear about something that will make you feel old today? No? Well, brace yourself, because it's happening anyway.

You’ve probably seen The Karate Kid, which stars Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso and Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi. It’s an iconic movie (to say the least) and has captured the hearts of fans for the past 40 years.

*insert record screeching noise that you always hear in podcasts*

Wait, what was that last part?

You read that right. The classic film - which spawned four sequels and a spinoff Netflix series - is officially 40 years old as of today. I wasn't even born until 2000, and I already feel like a boomer because of this news. 

Feel old yet? Sorry, the facts are just the facts.

Macchio took to social media to post about the momentous anniversary for a film that he is synonymous with, while also hinting at more Karate Kid content in the future.

"On this day, June 22, 1984, the world met Daniel LaRusso. Happy 40th Anniversary to The Karate Kid. Looking ahead to one of the most exciting years yet! Just wrapped (Cobra Kai Series) and the new (Karate Kid Movie). Epic stuff on the way," Macchio wrote.

That’s right. In addition to the Cobra Kai series wrapping up this year (Part 1 of three will be released on July 18), there will be a sixth film in the series released in May of 2025. "Deadline" reported that the only details are that Macchio and Jackie Chan reprise their roles from prior films, and that it will be set in the "East Coast and focuses on a teen from China who finds strength and direction via martial arts from a mentor."

Sounds somewhat promising! Hopefully it’s a worthy conclusion to the original film that captivated the hearts of tons of fans across the world.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.