Texas School Fires Soccer Coach For Making It Rain $5k At Strip Club: America Reacts!
If there's one thing America hates, it's a high falutin school district that won't allow its coaches to blow off steam.
A Texas high school soccer coach was arrested on December 15, according to the Wise County Messenger, on a felony theft of property for hitting up The Men's Club in Houston where J.D. Bales proceeded to blow through $5,000 while he was in town for a coaching clinic.
It's a tale as old as time -- a coach ends up in Houston with time on his hands, he decides to analyze the talent level at a strip club and he ends up plunking down the company credit card on a strip club bill that costs him his job.

The total bill came to $5,455.81 at The Men's Club, a 3 1/2-star establishment, Yelp reviewers say.
How does a soccer coach blow through $5,400 at a strip club before cutting off himself? It sounds like Bidenflation has changed the game at these joints and poor J.D. was caught up in a game of blowing off steam and rising costs.
"Some girls will immediately begin harassing you as soon as you walk in. The days of $20 dances are all but over. Most want 3 for $100 (how is this a deal?) or $30/song. $30 is reasonable I guess with inflation," one customer wrote on the review site.
Once Bales got back to Bridgeport ISD where he's a special education teacher, he said it was a fraudulent charge, but that excuse wasn't going to fly. The school district has the police on speed dial.
Before long, J.D. was busted.
Guys, we have to be smarter than this unless you're trying to get fired. Nothing good is going to come out of you walking through that windowless door at The Men's Club with that school credit card in your pocket. The next thing you know, Ariana has you $500 deep after the DJ dumps out a Nickelback, Van Halen, Motley Crue rock block.
Your head is swirling as Ariana goes to work to the sound of Chad Kroeger pumping through the club's sound system.
Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body
They say it's over budget
But you'd pay her just to touch it, come on
Needs to hit the big screen
And shoot a little love scene
If Hollywood had called her
She'd be gone before ya hollered, come on
The drinks are flowing, but now you want to crank it up a notch. The next thing you know Ariana has flagged down Amethyst and Aurora to join in the VIP room fun. You're $2k deep and these trained assassins know exactly how to keep the party going for the soccer coach from tiny Bridgeport, TX.
The whiskey is flowing. The Men's Club's Triple As are going to work. Everyone is smiling, or so you think through the fog of the very dark VIP room. Vince Neil starts wailing and this bender shifts into fifth gear.
Girls, girls, girls
Long legs and burgundy lips
Girls, girls, girls
Dancin' down on Sunset Strip
Girls, girls, girls
Red lips, fingertips
"Woo!" Vince screams as the Triple As collapse in exhaustion after a wild night of partying their asses off on your employer's dime. You've pretty much blacked out at this point.
Eventually, the party ends, a strip club executive hands you a bill for $5,400 and it's back to your lonely hotel room to sleep off the booze only to wake up with the realization your teaching career is over.
Life comes at you fast after a strip club rock block.
Hey school districts, use this as a teaching moment. There's a teacher shortage. Teachers aren't growing on trees. Firing this man isn't going to solve anything. Make J.D. pay back the money and have him bring in Aurora, Ariana and Amethyst to teach a course on finances.
It's time we learn to spin these teaching moments into actual teaching moments. Free this man.