Texas High School Tells Convicted Prostitute Who Was In Charge Of Sex-Ed Oversight Her Services Are No Longer Needed

And just like that, a Texas school district has an opening in its sex education department.

According to Fox 4 Dallas, the Godley, Texas school district told Ashley Ketcherside, who had active online escort listings in October, that her services were no longer needed, including assisting in deciding age-appropriate material for the sex education department.

As if being an active online escort wasn't bad enough, Ashley is also a convicted prostitute who was on a council that advised the school on "appropriate grade levels and methods for human sexuality instruction within" the district.

Ashley, according to school, is also the leader of a "local cheerleading group."

It wasn't just the sex-ed department and the cheerleading group where Ashley had done work. She was also a member of a Family and Community Engagement Committee, a PTO group and the local athletic booster club. She was even appointed to a facility planning committee by the superintendent.

Was she just a parent wanting to help out or a smart escort who knew mixing in with the local school leaders could lead to business expansion?

Mary Lowe, from the Families Engaged for Effective Education group, claims parents went to work investigating this Ashley Ketcherside woman and put the salacious puzzle pieces together.

The parents started with a LexisNexis search and discovered email addresses that matched the email address for an escort going by the name "Lola Brea."

That email address was then fed through the Google Search machine and that's when parents discovered Lola Brea was an escort with active listings in October.

Keep in mind ESCORT SERVICES ARE LEGAL in Texas as long as these ladies charge for companionship and time. They can't charge for sex.

The parents also found two prostitution cases for Miss Ashley.

Lowe told Fox 4 that the parents aren't exactly losing sleep over the cases from years ago. They're more concerned that the school system isn't able to pick up on this stuff via background checks before an escort is helping with sex-ed school policy.

Over on YouTube, the word is out on Lola Brea, who seems to have been using this moniker for over a decade. A check of her escort page reveals that she's had customer reviews rolling in going all the way back to 2013 and she wasn't exactly trying to hide her identity from a good background check investigator.

"Lets make this hobby fun and have a great time. Your Boots to Heels Playmate," Lola tells her customers on a Dallas escort site.

Look, it's clear the school districts could use all the help they can get these days even if it's from an escort who's active in the biz. Here's the thing: Let's ease into these assignments.

Ashley needs to be smarter here. Start with the booster club. Give that a couple of years.

Of course the escort business thing is going to look terrible when she's sitting there on sex-ed committees. Hey escorts, we have to be smarter than this. Now Ashley's no longer welcome around the school and her escort cover has been blown.

The only solution here is to start an OnlyFans account, cash in right now while her name is hot in the Google algorithm and then move to a new district and start a new life. These local parents who figured out Lola Brea's identity will never let this go.


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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.