Teens Are Using TikTok To Share Tips On How To Better Shoplift

You'd have to be blind or bandwidth starved to not notice the rise in shoplifting -- and videos documenting the crimes -- that has plagued America's big cities in recent years.

Now, teenagers on TikTok are getting in on the action.

A new viral trend on the video sharing site has young people posting and sharing stories and tips of how to more easily get that five-finger discount.

Some TikTok users have started giving advice on how to shoplift. (Credit: x_borrowing.tings_x / TikTok)

The clips are akin to a tutorial on how to break the law. The hashtag "borrow tip and tricks" has nearly 9 billion views on the social media platform with people sharing stories, ideas, experiences and most troubling - actual tips on how to get away with breaking the law.

The hashtag has become an almost rite of passage with people now using it to show just how much and how many different things they were able to successfully steal as if it was a video game.

It's not just random teens getting in on the act. Some alleged employees of stores are also giving tips on how to get away with it - including one Target worker whose video has over 7.1 million views on shoplifting advice!


I'd say I'm surprised but honestly nothing shocks me anymore.

The trend is a clear display of the growing disrespect that people have towards not only law enforcement but the law itself. The writing's been on the wall since the pandemic and it is only getting worse I've written time and time again that if you don't prosecute criminals for smaller crimes, all you do is embolden them to think that they can get away with stealing larger ones. As time goes on with no repercussions they begin stealing cars and targeting high-end stores which eventually will involve armed robbery and then all bets are off.


It's not that hard to see it happening and if I realize this, you would think prosecutors and rogue judges would too. But alas, law and order is a trigger word these days. The police are the bad ones as cities continue to cater to the mob. And then you have someone like the Chicago Mayor having the gaul to call out grocery stores for leaving.

It's a complete bizarro world we are living in except now not only are other countries laughing at us, but so is the next generation as they play our political leaders for fools.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.