Team USA Athlete Reveals She's Had No Luck On Tinder Since Arriving At The Olympic Village

What has happened to the once vibrant Olympic Village?  Athletes using their downtime from competition to hookup with one another is part of the fun that goes along with the Olympic Games.

It's one of the reasons they put those years of work into becoming one of the best athletes in the world.

A trip to Paris, of all places, should be a trip that includes getting to know your fellow Olympians better.  An unrivaled Olympic Village atmosphere.  The early indications are that that is not the case.

The return of those lousy eco-friendly cardboard "anti-sex" beds would seem to indicate that the powers that be don't want too much fun going down in the village.  There are even reports of an anti-pimping brigade.

What's an anti-pimping brigade?  Well, it's a group that has been tasked with cracking down on prostitutes making their way into the athlete's living quarters.

The anti-sex beds make it difficult, but not impossible.  Given that there aren't going to be many outsiders breaching the Olympic Village for action, the Tinder scene among Olympians must be insane.

Not exactly….  Team USA rower Emily Delleman revealed how rough things were at the moment on the dating app.  She started off her video by saying, "So far, most things have exceeded my expectations - the food, the vibes, the raw ambiance, the fits...  everything but this one thing."

That one thing is Tinder.  She was recovering on her anti-sex bed scrolling through TikTok when she came across someone encouraging people to change their location to the Olympic Village on Tinder to increase their chances of matching with some of the best athletes in the world.

Team USA Rower Emily Delleman Says There Aren't A Lot Of Olympic Athletes On Tinder

Delleman, actually being in the village, decided to take full advantage of this opportunity.  She re-downloaded the app, found that Tinder was hyping up the chance to match with pro athletes, and started to look forward to all the potential matches.

The excitement came to an abrupt end once she started her search.  She said, "I started scrolling and scrolling, and I'm not seeing any Olympians, I was like, ‘OK, my settings must be weird.’"

That wasn't it.  Delleman had narrowed her location down to a one mile radius of the Olympic Village and has only come across a total of two other Olympians."

What a travesty.  This is the sort of thing that deserves an all-out investigation.

Is the app being blocked somehow?  Are some of the athletes in Paris unable to download Tinder due to some rule or technology from their home country preventing them from doing so?

"Don't get me wrong.  You Parisian men are beautiful...," Delleman continued.  "But you know I went in with the expectations of finding some of my future plotlines."

We need someone to get to the bottom of this.  Emily Delleman deserves better than this.  Team USA deserves better than this.

They've put their heart and soul into this and should have the full Olympic experience.  Not this anti-sex bed, anti-pimping brigade, barren Tinder wasteland version they're being forced to endure.

Let's hope this all gets sorted out very soon.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.