Taylor Sheridan Destroys Mentally Weak Snowflakes: VIDEO
Taylor Sheridan dropped the mic on people who want to hide in a bubble and never be offended.
We're living in a strange time in America where many people seem to think they have the right to never be offended and that they should never face ideas they disagree with.
Instead of embracing healthy debate, many on the left now like to shout down ideas they disagree with and ruin the lives of anyone who holds thoughts they don't like. For example, people who believe in basic biology when it comes to men and women are treated like bigots by the same people who claim to be tolerant.
They hear an idea they don't like and it's time to melt down into a puddle. Well, the "Yellowstone" creator has had enough. He wants people to start remembering what's a right and what's not.
Taylor Sheridan reminds people there's no right to not be offended.
"People are so coddled that they have confused feelings with rights. And your feelings being hurt is a violation of your rights and it's not. You do not have a right to never be offended," Sheridan told Joe Rogan during their epic interview.
The popular podcast host quickly agreed and added, "It's worse than that. They've confused hurting your feelings with violence. They literally say words are violence...You've never seen real violence then. You're talking nonsense."
You can watch the full exchange below, and hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.
Sheridan is 100% correct.
Sheridan's interview with Joe Rogan is truly one of the best we've seen from the star podcast host in a minute or two.
There have been some incredible soundbites. He took Rogan on a history lesson about the 1800s, ripped vegans, talked about Donald Trump being removed from ballots, torched California and went after mentally weak snowflakes.
Is anyone surprised the man behind "Yellowstone" isn't a fan of the woke mob wanting to shut down and criticize free speech?

Taylor Sheridan torches the idea having your feelings hurt goes against your rights. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Let's be perfectly clear: Nobody in America has the right to never be confronted by ideas they find offensive and don't like.
In fact, the most important speech to protect is speech you disagree with. It's the sign of a truly free society.
Instead, stating basic facts like men and women are different leads to some people wanting to ruin your life. Standing with Israel makes you a target of the pro-Hamas crowd. Believing in pro-life ideals gets you painted as a horrible person who hates women. The list goes on and on.
Instead of embracing debate, people now just try to destroy one another and claim victimhood status. It needs to end because it's incredibly unhealthy for society.

Taylor Sheridan's interview with Joe Rogan continues to go viral. (Photo by Greg Doherty/Getty Images for Wynn Las Vegas)
Credit to Taylor Sheridan for not being afraid to speak the truth. More people in the entertainment industry should be doing the same. Embrace free speech and never apologize for telling the truth. Let me know your thoughts on his comments at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.