Taylor Sheridan Continues To Promote Pro-Life Messages, Bucks Hollywood Norm
Taylor Sheridan's new show "Special Ops: Lioness" features a very on-brand pro-life message.
The hit Paramount+ series with Zoe Saldana has quickly become the best show of 2023, and you're missing out if you're not watching.
It focuses on a program that uses female commandos to target and take out terrorists. It's loosely based on actual programs, and it's highly-entertaining.
While it's very entertaining, it's also insanely dark. True to form, Sheridan doesn't sugarcoat anything involved with his writing in it, and that includes his latest abortion/pro-life storyline.
Note: there will be spoilers below. Consider yourself warned.

Zoe Saldana stars as Joe In "Special Ops: Lioness." (Photo Credit: William Gray/Paramount+)
Taylor Sheridan features pro-life message in "Special Ops: Lioness."
The last two episodes have featured a fascinating storyline revolving around Joe (Saldana) and Neil's (Dave Annabel) teenage daughter Kate getting pregnant.
In the fourth episode, Neil reveals he allows Kate to get minorly handsy with her boyfriend because a deal was brokered she wouldn't in any situation ever have sex. This deal was made without Joe's knowing, and she's livid when she finds out even kissing is allowed.
Well, the deal fell apart, and it's revealed Kate is pregnant after she's brought in following a deadly car crash. A choice has to be made:
Abort her pregnancy or not?

"Special Ops: Lioness" features a pro-life storyline. (Photo Credit: William Gray/Paramount+)
Neil, a surgeon, quietly suggests the pregnancy is early enough that if it survives the trauma of surgery, it should be terminated. You must be thinking, "How is this pro-life?"
At this point, it's really not. However, I was stunned by how the storyline played out. Neil lectures his daughter in her hospital bed about the incredible risks sex can carry with it and how she now has life-altering choices in front of her. It's a brutal scene to sit through. While lots in Hollywood have no problem with sexualizing just about anything, Taylor Sheridan instead wrote an entire monologue about the risks of such action.
Joe pushes a bluntly pro-life message to her daughter.
Where the show pivots to a serious pro-life message is when Joe finally has time to speak with her daughter, who is lucky to be alive.
The abortion question never has to be answered because the early stage fetus couldn't survive surgery. The trauma of the crash killed it.
Joe, in an attempt to comfort her daughter and help her deal with the trauma of teenage pregnancy and the crash, tells her she was once pregnant at a young age and at a point of life where she was focused on work - not family.

"Special Ops: Lioness" promotes Taylor Sheridan's latest pro-life storyline. (Photo Credit: Greg Lewis/Paramount+)
In any other show the implication would be obvious. Joe got an abortion to focus on work and, thus, is telling her daughter there's nothing wrong with it.
However, that's not what happens. Joe, in an incredibly heartwarming moment, tells her daughter if she'd given in and gotten the abortion to focus on her career Kate wouldn't be sitting in front of her.
It truly doesn't get much more pro-life than that.
Taylor Sheridan has a history of promoting pro-life messages.
While most of Hollywood gives into any pro-abortion messaging it can find, Taylor Sheridan has regularly bucked that trend and norm.
He does the opposite, and his writing isn't subtle or shy about it. In fact, it's incredibly blunt, and while a writer's words on a page should never be viewed as a reflection of their own thoughts, it's hard to imagine Taylor Sheridan doesn't have pro-life leanings in his personal life.
"Yellowstone" is probably all the proof you need. The show features two very prominent abortion storylines. In one, Beth gets an abortion as a teenager and her life is more or less ruined forever. She's never able to heal from the trauma and it shapes her for decades.
The other one features Kayce refusing to force Monica to get an abortion at the demands of his father John Dutton. His refusal to obey his father and not leave the clinic until she has an abortion leads to him being branded.

Taylor Sheridan featured two abortion storylines in "Yellowstone." (Credit: Paramount Network)
The baby is born and Tate arrives into the world. John realizes what a horrible mistake pressuring Monica into an abortion would have been and Tate becomes one of John's main focuses. He brings his grandfather immense happiness and a new purpose in life.
Two abortion storylines, two different choices and two different outcomes. One choice - the abortion - brings pain and suffering. The second choice - refusing an abortion - brings happiness and joy.
Other than "The Ranch," I'm not sure there's any show on TV that has so prominently pushed a pro-life message.
Sheridan rejects the pro-abortion narrative.
Now, Sheridan has done it for a third time with "Special Ops: Lioness." It's nuanced given the fact the father was begrudgingly okay giving Kate the abortion pill, but it closes with Joe explicitly telling her daughter the joys of life when abortion isn't pursued.
It's hard to see these three storylines, and walk away with the impression that Taylor Sheridan isn't doing this on purpose to some degree.
Maybe he's not. Perhaps it's a coincidence the most powerful man in Hollywood has featured such explicit pro-life storylines. Anything is possible, but I doubt it seeing as how Sheridan is a genius.
Most of what Hollywood produces is garbage. Every single thing Sheridan has been involved with in the recent years has been a monster success. He speaks to middle America, and doesn't do it in a condescending way. The "Yellowstone" creator understands life is messy and rarely easy to understand.

Taylor Sheridan has featured abortion multiple times in his writing. (Photo by Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage)
He gives fans stories that preach to your soul as much as your brain, and people love him for it. He's also the only one in mainstream Hollywood willing to push a pro-life message, and that's bound to only make him more popular.